Thursday, March 22, 2007

How to recognize and treat Rosacea

Although wide spread all over the world, Rosacea is not very well known by the people and a lot of them don't even know they have it. According to latest studies around 15 million Americans suffer from Rosacea and about � of them can't notify anything about it Rosacea is a facial skin disorder caused by an inflammation with chronicle evolution.

The etiopatogenesis of Rosacea is not yet precisely known but we know it is not a contagious disease. As the percent of people suffering from Rosacea is considerably higher in the Eastern Europe, Wales, Scotland, England and Ireland, the presumption of it being hereditary might be true. What really causes Rosacea to appear remains to be seen, as recently more and more studies are made in laboratories all over the globe.

Patients suffering from Rosacea often complain about a burning sensation all over their face, itchy and hurtful skin. Facial edema can also be encountered, meaning swelling of the skin. The area around the nose is swollen as well, caused by the surplus of tissue and eyes can feel dry and rough.

Because of Rosacea's assembling to facial acnes, people often feel complexed and refuse to participate at different social activities.

Rosacea can start as a red point on one cheek, developing into swollen, imflamated patches all over the face, including nose area, chin and forehead. Eyes keep feeling runny all the time and patients complain about sun-burn-like sensation. These symptoms can easily be confused with Eritematous Lupus, a collagen disorder causing a smooth, red pattern to appear on facial skin, assembling a butterfly.

Making a list of all substances and items causing the irritation to appear, could be extremely helpful as long as people avoid triggers causing their particular Rosacea. Such factors might be spicy food, sun, wind, alcohol, stress and also a few skin care products.

Knowing these most important clues about Rosacea, you can start treating it easily. Try to wash your face using a mild soap or a non-abrasive cleanser every morning. Don't use sponges or brushes; use your fingertips to spread the lotion on your face. Clean your skin with warm water and dry it up using a soft towel. Almost all patients suffering from Rosacea have dry skin so using a skin moisturizer after facial wash might be helpful.

According to medical knowledge, no connection between Rosacea and skin cancer was determined; though, these people tend to be more sensitive to sun and ultra-violet-radiation and are more susceptible to develop a skin cancer later.

Treating Rosacea had the best results by using natural products such as vitamin B-complex, pancreatic enzymes, azelaic and hydrochloric acid, antibacterial soaps and moisturizers. Also helpful in curing Rosacea have proven to be colon cleanses.

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