Sunday, December 31, 2006

Acne Scar Treatment Tips for Aging Skin

Proper cleansing is important to protect your skin for long term beauty effect. Use make up remover and cleanser rich in anti-aging, antioxidant and whitening active ingredients. These formulations do not strip away your skin's protective oil.

Use an oil based, nourshing and rich treatment moisturizer to treat aging skin. Use daily, morning and night to increase moisture to your skin.

Give your skin a gentle exfoliating treatment and apply a nourishing face masque for your skin condition once a week to promote radiant skin.

Use serums and ampoules to treat most serious problems such as deep lines and wrinkles, large pores, pigmentation, tired skin, as well as sagging eye area and skin.

Always use a suitable range which is suitable for your skin type. Do not be tempted to switch skin care brands too often, or it will either cause sudden breakouts or over dryness to your skin.

Eat anti-oxidant rich vegetables and fruits

Go organic to achieve long term health benefits. Take lots of anti-oxidant rich vegetables and fruits daily, use olive oil often in meal preparation and cooking.

Eat lots of good fish which contains omega fatty acids for a firmer skin. Salmon, tuna and sardines are some good fish to enhance your skin.

Drink lots of water and fresh fruit juices

Drink plenty of water to boost your skin hydration. Take plenty of fresh fruit juices with you daily meals.

Stay away from coffee and chocolate. Drink green tea or other antioxidant and refreshing herbal tea for better skin and health.

Consume healthy fish oil and evening primrose oil to balance your hormones and improve skin moisture, tone and texture. These are wonder oils for your skin and health.

Some of you may be interested in taking beauty food, some of which contains marine extracts to boost and strengthen your collagen and elastin tissue for a firmer and radiant looking skin.

Stay away from smoking and alcohol to prevent early skin damage which cause skin dullness, uneven skin tone and complexion. Frequent smoking and drinking of alcohol can contribute to skin dehydration and speeds up aging effect. You will probably look older than your age.

Use aromatherapy facial oil to massage your face twice or thrice a week, it helps to boost circulation to improve skin appearance and reduces age lines.
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Over sun exposure speeds up aging process by breaking down collagen and elastin, causing skin damage. Use a sun block lotion or choose a moisturizer with SPF 30 to protect your skin from harmful rays. Use an umbrella or cap when exposing to sun.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to delay aging. It helps to keep you fit, remove toxin from your body, strengthen your skin and bones, boost your whole body circulation and reduce stress. Try walking on a treadmill, cycling and aerobic exercise.
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Nowadays, there are make up such as concealers or foundations which is ready blended with moisturizer and SPF, with anti-aging properties for the face.

Practicing yoga does not immediately erase all signs of aging. It relaxes, calms and lift up your mind, body and spirit. By practicing the right breathing techniques and postures, it naturally improves and stimulates smooth blood flow, ease and relieves tension, worries from within. Gradually with all positive energies, you will feel and look much younger.

Being happy and putting on a smiling face create harmonious mood around you. Forget all pains, angers and frustration to inject good hormones and release frown lines from your face.

Visit a beauty therapist nearby your area for monthly anti-aging facial treatments. A professional facial treatment with proper anti-aging solutions and non-surgery lifting can treat and repair your skin much easier and faster.

Have enough sleep to promote healthy skin cell renewal process. Let your skin rest by going to bed early, best is before 11 at night. Be an early bird, wake up before 8 in the morning to breath in fresh air.

Avoid late nights as your skin does not have enough time to repair and regenerate properly since you do not rest well. It will build up more toxin, which results in aging and damage skin.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Skin Care Tips when you reach your 40's and 50's

Most of you know that the signs of aging will start to show when you reach your 40's. You don't have to show the effects of early aging now as there are ways to fight the aging process. People can remain active, healthy and youthful through the "middle-aged" years and even on to being what could be called a "senior."

Skin problems and signs of aging can begin to show. You may be exercising, eating nutritious meals, and taking care of your appearance but still there can be signs of aging. Yes, there are ways to slow the signs of aging and wrinkles and to stay young and healthy.

We can blame some of the problems on gravity. Muscles pulling and then relaxing cause loss of elasticity in the skin. Age spots become more noticeable and the skin takes longer to recover from stress and fatigue. Bags can begin to form under the eyes, and the neck and jowls sag. Fat builds up in other areas of the body and stubbornly refuses to leave. Moles, warts, and other skin flaws that were barely noticeable when you were younger are now showing up with glaring effect. Let's look at some of the procedures that can be used to make your skin appear younger and healthier.

Liposuction is a technique that can be used to take those fatty deposits that refuse to go away with normal dieting and exercise. Liposuction can be done in the office and there is little or no risk to the patient. This technique allows the surgeon to sculpt the body into one with a pleasing contour with few side effects and quick recovery. Liposuction is considered one of the safest surgeries performed in America.

Lines, wrinkles, and bags can be taken care of with several different methods. Filling in wrinkles with fillers or collagen is a common method of contouring the face and removing those fine lines and wrinkles. Botox injections also are used to fill in lines and wrinkles that are associated with facial expressions. The blepharoplasty procedure removes excess skin from around the eyelids. Brow lifts are another way of taking care of reducing lines on the forehead and keep it from sagging over the eyes.

Chemical peels are a little more drastic but still used often in removing wrinkling, sun damage, and discoloration. Laser resurfacing is also a good way to treat other facial blemishes such as birthmarks, uneven coloring, and erasing wrinkles. Dermabrasion may also be performed to remove the outer layer of skin cells on the face and will allow new skin cells to develop and revitalizes collagen production.

Skin cancer is a real danger at this time of your life. Although it can appear any time, you are at a much greater risk if you are over 50. Most skin cancers are curable but the secret is early detection and intervention. There are three types of skin cancer you should be aware of, basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer, and the most dangerous malignant melanoma. Skin cancer can be treated with several different methods. This decision concerning the best treatment options will be between you and your surgeon.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Beautiful Skin For Everyone To Show Off

Possibly, there are millions of people all over the world who will do anything just to have a blemish-free and smooth skin. Practically everyone is dreaming of a flawless and porcelain-like complexion. In this era, people are more judgmental and tend to take notice first on one's physical appearance. Being the most visible organ, it is easy to spot any blotch on the skin. It may be painful and sad to assimilate that usually, a person's worth is oftentimes equated to how he or she looks physically. Therefore, acne, blemishes or any skin discoloration can be awkward for somebody who has it.

How does a perfectly beautiful skin is attained? Remember that magic potions are not applicable when it comes to skin care. Neither is a genie around to help you. Most people acquire beautiful skin with the use of expensive skin products, pricey treatments and maintenance. While there are those who take comfort on make-ups to shield their skin imperfections. You can do well without any of these. In time, you will be most comfortable in your own skin, that is, if you do not feel like it yet. The following paragraphs will further convey some tips for you to follow.

What is the use of skin vitamins if they are just around and not in your hands to take? A fair and beautiful skin is indication of a good health. Summon the aid of these crucial vitamins to provide you with the proper supplements and nutrition vital to your skin's health. Nutrient deficiency is one major health concern of the society at present. People are more into junk foods. It is about time you start to re-assess your diet and your health. Give yourself some time to look back on your diet. Are they nutritious? Are you eating what you are supposed to eat?

Know the necessary nutrients you should fill your body with. Vitamin A helps your body repairs any damaged cells and tissues and it also moisturizes your skin, delaying the aging process. This vitamin can be derived from food sources such as eggs, broccoli, milk, butter, cheese, fish oils, carrots, and spinach. Vitamin A supplements may also be incorporated in your diet but utmost caution is needed since this type of vitamin is fat-soluble. Any excess amount may be stored in the liver and this is highly dangerous. Overly high level of vitamin A is hazardous to your health.

Another vitamins, B and C are similarly essential to improving your skin condition and health. Vitamin B improves your skin tone and blood circulation. Cereals, brown bread, yogurt, yeast, wheat germ, and leafy vegetables supply this vitamin. Like the vitamin A, supplements can be taken in vitamin B form and any excess is not a problem since this is water-soluble and therefore, can just be easily flushed out from the body.

Vitamin C functions in maintaining the adequate collagen level. Collagen is a form of protein accountable for skin healing. This vitamin is responsible for the skin's luster and glow, and keeps your skin firm and smooth. Citrus fruits are the best sources of vitamin C, together with blackcurrants, strawberries, cabbage, potatoes, broccoli, and sprouts. Like the other vitamins, supplements must also be taken to meet with what is required of you daily.

Water is essentially important in keeping that healthy glow on your skin. It aids in cleansing your body, as well as your skin, eliminating impurities. Aside from this, being stress-free enhances that alluring skin. You must avoid being stressed out as much as you can. Unwind if you feel the need to release some tensions and pressures. Stress has some way of deteriorating your skin's natural softness and glimmer. It does nothing but leaves your skin looking dry, aged, and wrinkled. It is likewise best to protect your skin from the harsh elements of the environment like the sun, wind, pollution and other detrimental factors. You must do your best to shield yourself from all these in order for you to sport that beautiful skin everyone dream of having.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Skin Care and Chilblains

Chilblains are a localized, painful, redness of the skin - caused by a congestion of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin. Chilblains are found on the fingers, toes and ears. The onset of chilblains is associated with poor circulation particularly to the peripheries. It can be made worse by a poor diet, cold weather, tight shoes and a sedentary occupation.

What you can do to improve chilblains

The situation may be improved with plenty of exercise and wearing warm clothing.

If you smoke you need to stop as smoking is a major contributor to poor circulation and could lead to more serious circulatory system conditions. If you smoke can assist you to become smoke free.

Chilblains may also indicate a lack of sufficient calcium and silica. Sources of these in the diet are: millet, spinach, figs, almonds, sesame seeds, oats, parsley and all green vegetables. You can also take quality, non-contaminated heart and circulatory system vitamins and minerals to assist in getting enough of the nutrients that you need.

You can also use circulation herbs to assist improve your circulation and the strength of your arteries, veins and capillaries.

The following herbs will be useful for improving the circulation to the extremities:

* 3 parts prickly ash bark (or berries)
* 3 parts hawthorn berries
* 1 part ginger

Combine all the ingredients. Take 1 teaspoon of the herb blend and place into a suitable sized saucepan and pour over the cup of boiling water. Allow this to stand for 10-15 minutes. Strain out the herbs. Drink 1 cup three times per day.

When chilblains are unbroken they can be treated by a thin layer of cayenne ointment (apply this very sparingly). Other treatments for chilblains include:

* rosemary oil
* lavender oil
* peppermint oil
* garlic oil or juice
* tincture of myrrh
* nettle juice

Case Study: Chilblains

Helen, a 25 year old nurse, suffered from very bad chilblains during each winter. Her circulation was also poor during the summer months when she suffered aching feet, as a result of her work, and swelling of her fingers and toes in the heat. She did not smoke and had an occasional glass of wine when dining out. She reported eating 'more sugary and fried foods than she ought to'.

She first visited in the spring so her initial treatment concentrated on the heat problem which was likely to develop as the summer started and also a general improvement in her overall health.

The first month's treatment consisted of:

* herbal tonic to be taken three times per day, for the liver and kidneys:
o dandelion root and leaf,
o bearberry,
o wild yam and
o yellow dock.
* magnesium, potassium and calcium phosphates.
* vitamin B complex in addition to a general vitamin and mineral supplement
* changes to her diet to increase the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables that she was eating.

She returned after the first five weeks and reported less swelling in her feet and that she had improved her diet but in her words 'she could still improve it a lot'. She was continued on the same treatment as above for the next two months. On the fourth month Helen reported some swelling but it wasn't as bad as the previous summers. At this stage a slight change in the treatment was implemented. She continued the liver and kidney tonic herbs and the vitamins and minerals and her diet continued to improve. The following herbs were added:

* prickly ash bark,
* hawthorn berries and
* ginger.

It was also recommended that she commence a regular exercise and relaxation program. Helen went through the winter without any chilblains and the circulation to her fingers and feet was greatly improved.

Chilblains are associated with poor circulation - in particular to the hands and feet. When the overall health is improved and the poor circulation remedied then the chilblains tend to stop occurring. This can be brought about with an improved diet and taking heart and circulation vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Skin Care Tips For Men

Traditionally men used to work outside - hunting for meat, herding cattle and whatnot. These outdoor activities exposed them to massive doses of sunshine. While this gave them a deep tan it also gave their skin the look of wrinkled leather.

A man's skin care routine at that time would include splashing water on the face to cool off, an occasional shave and an even more occasional bath. Needless to say the term 'skin care' would have made them laugh their spurs off or completely confound them.

Obviously, times changed as men started putting on suits and ties, but their skin routine was still lacking. The occasional shave of yore became a daily ritual, soap was added to the splashing of the face, and the infrequent bath evolved into daily showers. Applying alcohol based colognes and after-shaves was an added option for special occasions. This was all a step up to be sure, but for healthy skin it just wasn't enough.

All in all a man's skin care routine had not changed that much, until recently. Within the past decade or so there has been a general explosion in the interest of men's health this includes caring for the skin. It is almost as though men are starting to notice they really have skin that needs to be cared for.

However for many men the idea of skin care remains completely foreign - or worse: too girly! (in their opinion). Women may find it difficult to explain their skin care regimen to the men in their lives. Of course, more men than ever before do take care of their skin and there has been a likewise explosion in skin care products made specifically for the male market.

Masks, exfoliants, cleansers, moisturizers and any combination of those alone or added to 'traditional' products. Facials, manicures and full spa treatments, once the exclusive domain of women, are now gaining acceptance among men. The current buzzword for these men is "metrosexual", but, to be honest, most men find that term suspect.

Some men still think skin care isn't 'manly'. There is nothing 'girly' about wanting healthy skin nor is there anything wrong with wanting to prevent acne or skin cancer. Many men who use skin care products don't want other guys to know; but real men don't worry about what other people think. Still, manufacturers know that men do not want to smell like flowers or fruit, so they make products that have a more masculine scent, or no scent at all.

Guys like to be tough but need to be gentle when washing their faces. Men's skin tends to be thicker than a woman's. Yet, the same basics of skin care apply to both sexes. Keep the skin clean, avoid the sun, stay moisturized, eat right, drink plenty of water and do not smoke.

If you have a man in your life who does not yet practice good skin care, take a few moments to explain the benefits to him. Making more money or looking their best are two reasons most men can relate to.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Skin Care - Wrinkles Herbal Remedies

With the introduction and initial advancement of medical science herbal and natural cures experienced a pitfall. During those days, we gradually started believing that chemicals and synthetic medicines are the best cure for the treatment of all types of illness and diseases. Through the ages, knowledge and information about the healing and the soothing properties of different plants and herbs have been passed down by the wise herbalists.

However, in recent times, more and more people have come to realize that in spite of the advancement of medical science, the modern medicine prescribed by the physicians does not always hold the answers for the problems related to their health. As a result, people are once again turning their faces to the more natural and traditional ways of living and healing their health problem. Instead of relying upon medical science and the physicians in general, these days, people are increasingly depending on the herbal cures for their well being and are on the look out for healthy life style.

Wrinkles are very often on the face skin. It is just a natural process of aging, which can hardly be checked. But these days we do come across many teens and also people in their early twenties facing the same problem of lines and wrinkle formation on the face skin. This is however premature wrinkles and aging - a problem which can definitely be controlled with a little acre taken. Brushing off synthetic medicines, these days more and more people are relying on home remedies for problems to get permanently cured. Following are some of the tips which can be used to prevent wrinkles and enhance the skin tone and health.

1. Avoid Sun Tan: First and foremost, it is very important to protect yourself and your skin from sun. The skin gets affected a lot as a result of sun tans; it leads to fast damaging and aging of skin. Medically it has been proved that sun rays directly upon the skin results in skin cancer.

2. Vitamin E Pack: Break 3 vitamin E capsules and put them in a small bowl. Two teaspoons plain yogurt, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey needs to be added. This mixture needs to be applied over the face, left over for 10 minutes and rinsed off with plain water. This acts as an anti-wrinkle pack and nourishes the skin well.

3. Healthy Diet: Intake of healthy and nutritious diet is of utmost important. Leafy green vegetables and bright colored fruit need to be included in the diet for maximum free radical elimination. It has been medically proved that lack of free radicals is the direct cause of wrinkles on skin.

4. Facial massage: Massage enhances the blood circulation and also results in the tightening of muscles and the underlying tissues. This reduces the fleshiness of the skin and prevents from having wrinkles. Places where wrinkles have already set in can be massaged with coconut oil at night.

5. Avoid smoking: Premature face lines and wrinkles are mainly the results of smoking. It hinders natural blood circulation and gives rise to several internal problems. Once the habit of smoking is avoided, the premature wrinkles will be found to disappear.

6. Try bananas: Bananas are the best for anti-wrinkle treatments. One fourth of a banana mashed and applied over the face work wonders. After 10-15 minutes it needs to be rinsed off with warm water.

7. Sleep on your back: As a result of lying upside down or side ways. Wrinkles may be formed. So it is highly recommended to lie down straight and on your back. This type of sleeping eliminates the problem of wrinkle formation.

8. Get a humidifier: Things like room heaters and air coolers impart a drying effect on the skin by absorbing the moisture. This results in fast formation of wrinkles. So it is best to a humidifier. It helps to keep the surrounding air moist and therefore has a good effect on the skin.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Beautiful Skin Care Tips

The secret for beautiful skin is naturally radiant, healthy and glowing skin.

You do not need to lather your skin with layers of make up or undergo fancy and expensive skin treatments to achieve beautiful skin. What you do need, however, is a well-balanced diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. If you follow these basic lifestyle tips, the glowing radiance will be yours in no time.

Skin cleansing

The most important first step to healthy and beautiful skin is to clean your skin twice daily. Depending on your skin type, you could use a mild and natural ways of treatment specially suited for it. Excessive use of make-up tends to clog the pores leading to acne and dry skin . Also, if you perspire a lot or exercise heavily, you must rinse and massage your body with a loofah to remove dead skin build-up. Since your body excretes toxins through your skin as you sleep, it is essential that you cleanse your skin well just before you sleep. Also, your skin needs to breathe while you sleep. Adding a few drops of essential oils to your skin cleanser will augment its cleaning effect as well as lend a fragrance to it.

Drinking plenty of water

Drinking water is very healthy as it flushes out all the impurities and toxins. These wastes if not discarded in time through internal organs likes the kidneys, liver, lungs etc will eventually find their way through the skin leading to unhealthy rashes and acne . It is recommended that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Along with a healthy and fibre-rich diet drinking plenty of water will not only help cleanse your body of toxins but also keep your colon functioning well. Water also keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized giving it a healthy glow and radiance.

Exercising daily

A daily exercise regime will help you to keep fit and give your skin a healthy shine. Fresh air and exercising in the outdoors helps to oxygenate your cells and facilitate waste removal through your skin. Exercises such as walking, biking, jogging and weight-training improve cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance providing you with increased energy and healthy complexion.

Sleeping well

A good skin care tip is to sleep well. Sleeping is often underrated but is truly one of the most essential secrets to good looking skin. If you are sleep deprived you skin tends to look sallow, dull and tired. It will give you puffy eyes with dark circles and moreover your energy levels with decline making you feel and look unhealthy.

Natural sunlight

Fresh air and a little exposure to the sun's natural rays go a long way in keeping your bones and healthy and young Looking skin . With the body's natural ability to convert the sun's rays into Vitamin D, the body absorbs the calcium and remains fit and healthy. Supplemented with enough fluids and healthy diets, a little bit of sunshine also acts as an anti-aging element. Sun exposure helps heal eczema, psoriasis and acne. If you have been advised to avoid the sun entirely, take in other sources of vitamin D which include egg yolks, fish liver oil, vitamin-D-supplemented soy or cow's milk, organ meats, salmon, sardines, and herring.

Following these easy but essential skin care tips and beauty care habits will cleanse your skin, work as anti-aging agents and give you beautiful skin naturally. And Even look out to the Ways For treating acne.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Skin Care Products That Can Make You Look Gorgeous

Caring for your skin is always necessary but it is important to realize that you should take it seriously. It is possible to get very cheap products but such items might not do the trick. There is no point applying a lotion or cream which will give little or no results. There are many types of skin care products on the market, some for anti-aging, some for acne, some for firming and many other kinds too.

At your nearest department store you will see plenty of diverse brands and different versions of skin care products but be wary of cheap prices. Many of the cheaper alternatives do not contain the best ingredients for your skin and might be made up of cheap fillers and even ingredients which might cause irritation. It is often best to buy the best skin care products you can afford. Whereas an expensive price tag does not necessarily mean the product is better than anything cheaper, many of the very cheap ones are not worth thinking about. We will have a look now at some of the more serious skin care products and their ingredients.

Skin Care Products for Acne

If you have acne, the odds are high that you have tried some cheap lotions and potions which claim to cure the problem, in order to save money and because, if they work, you will not have had to buy the more expensive version. The truth is that, in the long run, you actually spend more. This is because you first buy all the cheap products, find they do not work, and then spend more money on better quality products, wishing you had gone for those in the first place. Acnezine is an example of a high quality acne product which is proven to be very effective for acne sufferers. This product is available for purchase online.

Acnezine comes with a moisturizing cream especially for acne sufferers and capsules to take daily during the course of the treatment. The capsules contain antioxidants such as Vitamins E and C and the moisturizer contains soothing, all-natural ingredients, such as Goldenseal extract, Calendula extract and Aloe Vera extract. It might not be the cheapest acne product on the market but remember you get what you pay for. If you want to end the embarrassment and discomfort of acne as soon as possible, you should try a quality product such as this one. If it does not work, the company promises you a refund so you cannot lose.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

Lots of people are interested in products which claim to reduce the signs of aging and prevent wrinkles. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of skin care products making these claims. When you are going to spend money on such a product, obviously you would prefer something that is going to have some beneficial effect on your skin. Anti-aging skin care products come in all price brackets but you should be wary about the very cheap ones. It might be worth spending a little more on a higher quality cream or lotion to make sure your skin is going to look as good as possible.

An example of a great anti-aging product is Revitol. You have probably heard the name but perhaps not had the chance to try it yet. Revitol anti-aging solution is certainly worth the money because tests have proven that it is effective. The product noticeably reduces fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking much younger. The ingredients of Revitol include Matrixyl, Idebenone and Shea Butter. You can buy this online and, if you do not like it, you can send it back within ninety days for a refund.


Moisturizing your skin is of the utmost important and you need a moisturizer that will keep your skin healthy and looking fresh. Olay Total Effects Moisturizer is a very good moisturizer. You can buy it in nearly every department store or drugstore and it is a great, serious skin care product, even if it is not the cheapest product available.

Olay Total Effects Moisturizer is designed to give complete moisturizing protection and prevent aging too. The product does not contain oil (which is unnecessary) but it does contain VitaNiacin, Vitamin E and ProVitamin B5. Healthy Skin Face Lotion by Neutrogena is another excellent moisturizing product, which contains Vitamins C and E, sunscreen and Alpha-Hydroxy Acid.

Five Tips for Moisturizing Your Skin

You will know that moisturizing is vital for clear, fresh, young-looking skin but not everyone is aware of how to moisturize properly. Here are five tips to help you make the most of your moisturizer:

1. Cleanse then Moisturize � You should cleanse your face well and then applied some kind of toner. After that, your skin is damp, warm and ready to accept the moisturizer and allow it to soak in and work.

2. Don't Use Too Much � Using too much moisturizer is a bad idea. It does not mean your face will be extra moisturized but rather your pores might get clogged. Clogged pores lead to breakouts so only use as much moisturizer as your skin needs.

3. Moisturize Twice a Day � It is good to moisturize twice a day, once after cleansing your skin in the morning and once after cleansing before you go to bed at night

4. Buy the Right Moisturizer for You � Using the wrong moisturizer can lead to problems. People who have dry skin are going to require a different moisturizer from those who have oily or sensitive skin.

5. Drink Plenty of Water � You need to make sure your skin has adequate water from the inside as well as the outside. Drinking eight glasses of water or more each day helps to keep your skin well moisturized and healthy.

Great looking skin means more compliments, it makes you feel better, and you just might find more success by looking your best. It all starts by taking your skin care seriously.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Skin Care Tips - Skin Care For Woman

There are many positive effects of pursuing an anti-aging program. By slowing the rate at which you age and by halting some of the major contributors to the aging process, you are setting yourself up for an entirely new life. You can expect to experience improved health, as well as positive changes in your mood and mental capabilities by paying attention to skin care for women, anti aging skin care treatment, anti aging skin care product and more. Some physical attributes of an anti-aging program are improved skin texture, restored muscle tone, and reduced body fat. An anti-aging system can also lead to improved sexual performance.

As time goes by, your skin changes. It becomes loose, thinner, drier and wrinkled, and slower to heal. The wrinkles occur mainly as a result of the rupture of the elastin fibers and the decreasing production of collagen fibers in the dermis but the diminishing of the fatty cells play a role in this as well as the decreasing bonds between the epidermis and dermis.

The main factors that expedite the damage are sunlight, smoking, pollution, muscle use, inadequate diet, genetic background, and the decrease of hormonal levels at menopause.

Sunlight (the UV rays actually) attacks the collagen and elastin fibers, and causes the rise of some abnormal elastin fiber types. This results in a looseness of the skin and its inability to retract after stretching, causing the formation of wrinkles. It further creates a higher ratio of evaporation, making skin drier. Skin care for woman is crucial, but before looking for anti aging skin care treatment or anti aging skin care product, you may want to know the basics means of protection.

Thus it is advisable at any age to avoid sunlight at midday and regularly use sunscreen creams with SPF 15 or higher. In addition, it is recommended to drink a lot of water, about 50-60 ounces daily. This intake of water would also be helpful in eliminating toxins through urine, rather than through skin pores.

Smoking and other air polluting factors produce free radicals in the cells of the skin, altering these cells and their genetic material. It is important to emphasize the importance of quitting smoking because smokers get wrinkled at an younger age than non-smokers, which is increased with the years and the number of cigarettes smoked daily.

You are not alone in wanting to slow down the process of aging. People have tried for thousands of years to live as long as possible. This is a natural desire, and with some of today's scientific and medical discoveries, it is becoming much more possible for people to live longer lives. If you want to improve your physical and mental health by stopping some of the processes which lead to aging, consider researching anti-aging programs. You will discover a whole world that is focused on slowing down many of the effects associated with aging, skin care for women, anti aging skin care treatment, anti aging skin care product and more. This will lead to increased energy, a better outlook on life, and a marked improvement in your health.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Healthy Skin - Naturally

Your busy modern lifestyle leaves you little time for pampering your skin. The result: Your skin isn't the same baby-soft body glove you were born with. As age catches up, your skin gradually becomes thinner and finely wrinkled. Oil-producing (sebaceous) glands become less active, leaving your skin dryer. The number of blood vessels in your skin reduces, your skin becomes fragile, and you lose your youthful sheen and color.

Good skin care will definitely help delay the natural ageing process and prevent many skin problems. We list below some vital aspects of skin care, the important factors, what is good and what is not good for your skin. These simple skin-care tips are sure to help you protect your skin to keep it healthy and glowing for years to come.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

The best way to take care of your skin is by protecting it from the sun. Ultraviolet light the invisible but intense rays of the sun can damage your skin and cause deep wrinkles, dry, rough skin, liver spots, and more serious disorders, such as noncancerous and cancerous (malignant) skin tumors.

2. Don't smoke

Smoking accelerates the normal aging process of the skin, contributing to wrinkles. Skin changes as a result of smoking can be seen in young adults who have been smoking for as few as ten years. This is because smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin. This reduces blood flow, depleting the skin of oxygen and nutrients, such as vitamin A, which are important to skin health. Further, the repetitive facial expressions made when smoking such as pursing the lips when inhaling and squinting the eyes to out keep smoke also contribute to wrinkles.

3. Wash your skin gently

Cleansing is an essential part of caring for your skin; the key is to treat your skin gently. As far as possible, use warm water and limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time to around fifteen minutes or less and, here too, use warm, rather than hot, water. Also, avoid strong soaps those most capable of stripping oil from your skin. They leave your skin dry. Choose mild soaps, rather, with oils and fats added to them during the soap manufacturing process. When removing eye makeup, do so carefully, using a soft sponge, cotton cloth or cotton balls to avoid damaging the delicate tissue around your eyes. If you wear heavy, waterproof makeup, you might have to use oil-based products such as petroleum jelly.

4. Moisturize regularly

Moisturizers definitely help maintain your skin's natural moisture levels by providing a seal over your skin to keep water from escaping or by slowly releasing water into your skin. The most suitable moisturizer and the frequency with which you need to moisturize depends on many factors, including your skin type, your age and whether you have specific conditions such as acne. One good way to find out if you need a moisturizer is to wait for twenty minutes after bathing if your skin feels tight, you should apply a moisturizer.

5. Shave carefully

Shaving is a common and cheap way of removing unwanted hair. Then again, shaving can cause skin irritations, especially if your skin is thin, dry or very sensitive. For a smooth shave, press a warm wash cloth on your skin before shaving to soften the hair, or shave after a warm bath or shower. Never shave dry skin; it can cause razor burns. And always apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving to protect and lubricate your skin. Finally, make sure to rinse your skin afterwards with warm water.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

State of the Art Skincare

A healthy lifestyle of nutrition and excercise is instrumental in maintaining beautiful skin. So is a personalized skin care regimen, custom-designed for your complexion. It is imperative that one uses products by leading manufacturers who continue to lead the way in providing outstanding, dermatologist tested products which assist in achieving individual skin care objectives. Today, products can be specifically engineered for a wide rang of complexions and skin types, while only using the finest of ingredients.

There has never been a greater need for incorporating healthy choices in all aspects of life then now. And no where are these choices more evident than in clear and healthy looking skin. Going above and beyond conventional skin care treatment by utilizing technologically advanced methods is essential for maintaining a smooth and unblemished complexion. Chiral Correction is one such method, facilitating the effort to increase the effectiveness of ingredients, while reducing any associated irritation. Most biomolecules, including skin care ingredients, are chiral; meaning they have a "left" and a "right" chemical orientation, much like our hands (chiral, pronounced "ki-rul," is Greek for hands). Chiral molecules, like our hands, are identical mirror images of each other, some of these are designed to fit into the skins receptors while others do not. Usually only one of the mirror images is beneficial for your skin, so it is necessary to use only these when formulating effective products. Most skin care products use ingredients that don't fit properly on the skin's receptors, and therefore cause irritation or other harmful side effects. Using these impurities is like trying to fit a right-handed glove on your left hand, it simply doesn't work. Through the use of chiral correction, Cosmedix products are synthesized with these correct molecules for a proper fit. They are more concentrated, more effective and less irritating than any other product available today. This is the future of skin care and the first medical skin care line to take advantage of chiral technology.

Whether your choosing to simply maintain a healthy and full complexion or combat specific skin challenges, Cosmedix offers a multitude of products for everyone. Cosmedix not only incorporates Chiral technology into their products, but makes continual strides to maintain their standing as one of the leading skin care providers. Cosmedix offers a wide range of moisturizers, cleansers, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation solutions containing the purest of ingredients. Regardless of skin types, skin complexions, skin concerns or personal habits like smoking, Cosmedix offers products with the sole intention of creating soft and luxurious skin.

From the first time you use Cosmedix products, you will notice a smoother and softer feeling skin. More importantly, your skin will appear to be healthier, younger and more radiant. So come see what Cosmedix is all about at The difference in your skin will be so noticeable that not only will you see it, but you will feel that difference deep down, where it counts.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Winter Skin Tips - Keep glowing even in the cold.

Winter, with its myriad of parties and pressies, is the most festive time of the year. Winter months and cold weathr can be harsh on your skin. During the winter months, the combination of lower temperatures and reduced humidity extracts moisture from your skin. Your skin needs moisture to stay hydrated and healthy. Cold, dry winter air is very damaging to skin because it literally removes all moisture. The low humidity common in many parts of the United States during winter can cause dry, irritated skin. When skin becomes dry and irritated, eczema can flare. Wear Sunglasses - the glare of sun off snow causes an increased UV threat to eyes so choose sunglasses that block Drink Plenty of Water - air travel and outdoor exercise can quickly dehydrate the body, so drinking water is essential to keeping the body's organs functioning optimally. Drinking 6-8 glasses a day is recommended. Use Skin Moisturizers and Protectants - protect your skin by using a moisturizer to seal moisture in. Rejuvenate skin � Many people use topical night creams and other cosmetic products containing retinoids. These can help reduce facial lines, wrinkles and age spots.

Wear Breathable Fabrics - look for fabrics that "breathe" to help keep sweat and moisture away from skin. Apply moisturiser to damp skin after showering. After patting -- not wiping off-- your body with a towel, slather on a rich cream. Long, hot showers can rob your skin of much-needed moisture. To avoid this, shower as infrequently as possible -- every other day if you feel comfortable. Dry and cracking hands and feet are common in colder months. To treat hands, reduce the frequency of hand washing (which saps moisture from skin) and apply a Hand Cream. Skin really takes a beating from wind and cold and needs extra protection. Avoid exfoliating. The dry air in many homes actually exfoliates skin. pply toners and astringents sparingly � These are liquids used after cleaning, just before applying a moisturizer. Stimulate and exfoliate � Rubbing the skin's surface daily with a scrub or washcloth stimulates the skin and removes dead cells, which can clog the pores. Keep a lip balm in your car, at work, in the kitchen and bedroom. If you apply it regularly, those lips will stay soft and moist.

Winter Skin Tips

1. Use a heavier, richer moisturiser.

2. Drink eight glasses of water a day; this will help your throat, as well as your skin.]

3. Eat foods high in heart-healthy oils to lubricate you from the inside out.

4. Drink a glass of hot water with lemon.

5. Use Skin Moisturizers to protect your skin.

6. Wash your face with a mild cleanser and rinse with lukewarm water.

7. Drink plenty of water.

8. Eat healthy and take your vitamins.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Acne Control for Skin

The prevention of acne is a far better approach to caring for your skin than seeking medical treatment and cures after a bad case of infection. Acne control for skin is therefore something that you should incorporate into your daily lifestyle if you are a bad acne sufferer. There is no one magical cure for acne, otherwise there wouldn't be a huge billion dollar industry that produces countless skin care cosmetics and remedies. However, by following the advice given in this article on a daily basis, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin. Remember that acne scaring can be permanent, so by taking the right actions now you can reduce and prevent the amount of scaring that could be with you throughout your adult life.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water flushes the toxins for our body and keeps us hydrated and feeling good. You should aim to drink 2 litres of water every day, drinking small glasses regularly. Coffee, tea, cola, alcohol and so on, do not count! These drinks are counter productive to our system and can actually leave you dehydrated.

Eat a Health Diet

Eating a well balanced healthy diet has many more benefits than just healthy and good looking skin, but healthy skin is one of the result you should see first. Try and eat a high-fibre diet and include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables with your meals. Try to cut out high-calorie, poor quality foods with little or no nutritional value and limit these foods to occasional treats. You all know which foods I mean!

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is good for our overall body and general well being, all of which can only be beneficial to our overall skin condition.

Shower and Bathe Regularly

Keeping your skin clean is an obvious way to maintaining healthy skin. Shower or take a bath at least once a day and remember to only use skin care cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type. There are many products on the market, so test a few shower or bath products to find one that is suitable for you.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Too much stress in your life can cause many problems, some much more serious than just bad looking skin. If you are suffering from stress then take action now against the causes of it! When you become very stressed your hormones can become unbalanced causing illness, as well as bad outbreaks of acne. If you follow the three steps above then you are already taking the first steps to reducing your stress levels and becoming healthier.

Overall, acne control for skin can be improved considerably by making a few lifestyle changes that aren't that difficult to make, with just a little determination and willpower.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Five Good Habits to Maintain Our Soft and Flawless Skin

The following good habits are actually shared by most dermatologists as their best advices for a clear complexion.

Good Habit #1: Avoid Too Much Cosmeceuticals

Numerous experts have said that with more and more beauty potions with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), antioxidants, salicylic acids, and retinoids in them, blending a cleanser from one line with a scrub or daytime moisturizer from another, then a night cream from yet another can lead to over-exfoliation as well as irritation. This can no doubt add up to a real dilemma, especially for those women who have olive and darker complexions. This is also possible for women who are more prone to discoloration when their skin is irritated.

So, to play it really safe, it is important that you only stick with one line of products. But, only use the line of products which are formulated to work together. It is often said that if for instance you use any prescription products like the famous Renova, the advice of your dermatologist is highly needed. Ask your specialist regarding on how to mix prescription treatments with the over the counter cosmeceutical products. Just don't overdo beauty products.

Good Habit #2: Consider a Healthy Exercise

Exercise is great for a beautiful skin. So, considering at least twenty to thirty minutes of any aerobic exercise is worth trying. It will give you a glow, as it is often said. One of the supports for this is the fact that exercise boosts blood flow. It is this increased blood flow which will bring more nutrients to the skin. However, it is important to be aware that the accumulation of sebum or oil through perspiration can result in sweatband acne, folliculitis, as well as spiky heat. But, don't worry; there is a simple solution for this � shower as soon as possible after shaking your booty.

Good Habit #3: Intimate with the Phone? Don't Be!

Always note that constant rubbing on the mouthpiece may lead to rashes around the chin and mouth. This is what many people have believed, including dermatologists. So, it is important that when talking to somebody on the phone, hold the phone away from those mentioned areas when talking. Also, clean the phone often with a mild soapy solution or perhaps rubbing alcohol.

Good Habit #4: Examine Your Birthday Suit for Spots

When it comes to skin care, any sudden or suspicious-looking mole, bump or other growth on the skin is a reason to see a dermatologist. Nevertheless, as skin cancer rates skyrocketed, having a full body check up by a professional is very crucial. This is especially true for those us living in the baby-oil-and-iodine, pre-sunscreen generation.

Also, it is said that those who belong in a high risk group, meaning having a personal or family history of skin cancer, a lot of moles, fair skin, or light eyes or hair, should consult a specialist for a regular check up. The regular examination should start in their teens and probably no later than age 35. However, even if you do not belong in a high risk group, it is still recommended that between the ages of 20 and 40, people must have a cancer-related check up. The check up must include skin exam and must be considered every three to four years. Once you hit your 40s, start undergoing a cancer-related examination with skin exam every year. Aside from that, it is advisable that you do monthly self-exams in order for you to keep an eye out for changes and growths.

Good Habit #5: Eat Healthy Foods

Healthy foods refer to those that help your skin and body fight against the bad forces outside and inside. You must consider antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E as they are highly potent for sun damage and fight certain cancers, including skin cancer. This is actually the reason that makes antioxidants essential to your health. Along with this, a well balanced diet is highly recommended. This means making yourself comfortable with a diet filled with at least five servings a day of fruits and vegetables, plus a multivitamin that meets the RDA standards.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Keep Your Beauty With Great Skin

Today no one needs to have problems with their skin; there are many products that can use on the market today. Trying to find the best skin products will take research and time. Today the sun is the biggest cause of damaged skin. Proper skin care should start when we are young children. We all want to look and feel our best and good skin care is a significant contributing factor. Natural skin care can improve the texture of all skin types, at a minimum cost. By using cleaners and soap plus using the right makeup can help with your skin. In addition, skin care is linked to other factors, including diet and exercise. Using natural skin care products is using products that created using natural ingredients.

When looking at someone's skin you can see the pores with the naked eye, they are not large but you can see them, if a pore got clogged you will see the black spot and it will be very noticeable. Skin aging is 90% of the time due to sun damage and 10% due to genetic factors. The pores of normal skin type are visible but not large or clogged although occasionally they may break out in spots. Intrinsic or biological aging is due to genetic factors. The pores of normal skin type are visible but not large or clogged although occasionally they may break out in spots. Sun induced skin aging can be prevented by following simple rules, put sun block on and don't stay out in the sun for long periods of time. The first step to taking care of your skin is preventing damage. Skin aging is a result of programmed events, which are represented by modifications at the cellular and molecular level. Sun damage can prematurely age your skin and everyone has this threat looming over them.

Organic skin care involves using organic products. When you hear everyone talking about organic this is when foods are grown with out chemicals like pesticides or any type of insecticides. Organic skin care involves using organic products. Today most people realize that organic is better - better for the environment and better for you.

It use to be that women only cared about the way they looked and their beauty, today both men and women are now hypnotized about their appearances. The word beauty is denoted by how healthy your skin is. Beauty is only skin deep but a beautiful heart and mind, deserve beautiful skin. All it takes to preserve that youth and beauty is a little effort and a good image skin care system.

Several rejuvenating products are now available on the market. If your skin or complexion is not improving with the over counter products consult a professional to diagnose the problem. The benefit of using the in-depth approach is that the Dermalogical skin care products can be selected to meet the needs of each person. The skin care industry is changing very quickly, right now everyone is talking about the dead sea skin care and just a couple of months ago it was Alpha Hydroxy Acids.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Natural Herbal Skin Care

Skin is the body's mirror of our inner health and wellness, both physical and emotional. Skin plays a vital role in our life, how one looks and feels directly correlates to ones skin. A healthy lifestyle reflects on the skin so staying in good physical condition can aid in the the good appearance of the skin. There are two sets of glands found in the dermis the sweat glands and the oil glands. The sweat glands are employed in the elimination of the water-soluble cellular waste. The oil glands secrete oil, which lubricates the skin surface. Skin care is very important for women and men of all ages. Proper moisture levels in your skin (epidermis) help diminish signs of aging and distress from the outdoors, and prevent frequent makeup and cosmetics use from diminishing the skin's glow and general health. Great skin is the first step toward an excellent makeup. One of the most important factors of skin care is skin cleansing. Because dirt, pollution, residual makeup, etc.

There are different variants of bath lotion for dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin. Providing the right skin care (including cleansing ski surface of the skin ). All skin care is not created equally. Beautiful skin often begins inside and radiates outward. Women's skin care differs from that of children and men, and among women, skin care even differs at various stages of life. Poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle choices and stress all contribute to the overall poor health of the skin. Facial skin is very thin and more sensitive to irritants and allergens then the rest of the body. Regular body care is essential for good health and well-being. However, frequent showers and bathing can deplete of body of its natural oils and upset your skin's protective moisture barrier. The skin of the peach is useful in improving the complexion.
Gently massage the inside of peach peelings on the face every night for a few minutes. Don't rub off the moisture afterwards.

Natural Herbal Skin Care Tips

1. The vitamins of the B group are important in producing beautiful skin.

2. Get adequate rest and nutrition.

3. Vitamin B1 aids skin health by helping to keep the circulation normal.

4. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin deficiency can lead to brown pigmentation, or liver spots on the skin.

5. Squeeze lemon juice in a bowl of iced water. Splash this over the face, massage for five minutes and then wash off with water.

6. Mix half teaspoon of lime juice with one teaspoon of cucumber juice and a few drops of rose water. Apply on the face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes

7. Lime juice is an important natural aid for healthy skin.

8. Mix a teaspoon of olive oil with an egg. Smoothen the face and neck with it. Let it remain till the skin gets dry.

9. Grind rose petals and mix with cream on the top of milk and apply to your body. Shower after 10 minutes.

10. Avoid pus and rashes, eat plenty of sprouts, alfalfa, barley, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries and figs.

11. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables-while avoiding oily and spicy food and go easy on sweets-that's for those who have a smooth tooth.

12. Mix a tablespoon of rice flour with 2 tablespoons curd. This is an effective cleansing milk which removes stale makeup and cleans open pores.

13. Apply a mixture of fenugreek powder and green gram powder on the unwanted hair.

Friday, December 15, 2006

How to have beautiful Face Skin Free of Acne

To have beautiful, soft, radiant skin you need to eat plenty of the right fresh fruits, vegetables, fiber, and water. Water and fiber are critical because it helps to move out toxins using the regular channels of elimination rather than using the skin as an exit point.

A word of Caution: Sudden face or body eruptions can indicate a potentially serious medical condition. If your blemishes look large and like welts, this could be caused by a serious medical condition and you would need to see your doctor immediately.

You can deal with you acne or skin problems by, also applying known nutritional and herbal remedies that give you better health and give your skin the nutrients it needs.

The beauty of your skin is a reflection of the health of your organs and upon your psychological condition. The way the inside of your body looks like is reflected on your face, physical appearance and your thoughts.

The amount of work you put into clearing your acne will determine how quickly you clear your face. By being consistent in following good health practices, you will be able to get rid of your acne.

If your acne is heredity, it is not true that you cannot do anything about it. If you know that other members of the family have had acne and previous generations also, then you are susceptible to acne. Knowing this, you can now arm yourself with some powerful nutritional and hygiene habits that will prevent acne from taking hold.

Traditional Medical Acne Treatments

I do not recommend using medications for acne, such as,

" Benzoyl peroxide - opens pores to kill bacteria

" Antibiotics - erythromycin, tetracycline - kill bacteria everywhere it goes in your body and skin.

" Retin A - helps to break open plugged pores, prevents new plugged pores, and helps to prevent scarring.

" Topical steroid, cortisone derivative, drug

These drugs and many others have serious side effects that you will want to avoid. If you are dark skinned and are using Benzoyl Peroxide, you can end up spotting your face as a side effect.

Most of these medications take three to ten weeks to provide results.

All my recommendations are for natural methods to relieve acne.

Different Remedies

In future articles, I will be outlining some of the remedies and steps you need to take to clear your acne. These remedies and natural foods that you use will not only help beatify your skin but will also help you to get rid of acne.

You may have to experiment to determine what works for you. By providing you with many choices, this gives you the best possible chance of you succeeding in gaining better health for your face. Also, not all remedies provide the same benefits to each person.

So this is where your experimental skills come in. You may have to test a few things, but in the process you will be learning about how to take care of your body. This information will stay with you a lifetime.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pollution and its effect on Human Skin

We all know that one of the enemies of modern civilization is "Pollution". In fact it's a silent killer who is responsible for causing various diseases and many of them are also fatal. Very few of us aware about its exact impact on our specific organs.

Skin is the most sensitive part of human body. According to the researchers everything we apply on the skin pass through the layer "stratum corneum". Due to air pollution in the city, ozone quickly strips vitamin E (which indulges a healthy skin) from that topmost layer of the skin.

Pollution leads different type of skin disorders. Air pollution can be a main cause of pre aging of skin. Dust mist may generate eczema if it comes in contact with skin. Chemicals used in various products (paints, cleaning stuffs, lacquers, adhesives, building materials etc.) can seriously pollute the air. Those agents are entered into our body through the breathing and affect our lungs, eyes, nose, and can create skin allergies. Ozone is the basic element in smog which leads skin cancer. Besides ozone the other reason of skin cancer is harmful UV radiation of sun.

Heavy metals are also injurious to healths which are generally present in groundwater of many areas. Generally in urban areas drinking water may get contaminated while leaky water pipe joints in areas where the water pipe and sewage line pass close together. Halogen acne, chemical depigmentation, connective tissue diseases and skin cancer are some common skin diseases that can be caused due to pollution.

Following are the ways to get rid of skin problems created by pollution-

1)Stay out of dirt. Cleanse your face/skin at least twice a day with safe soap or face wash.
2)Apply good sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher daily before going outside to protect skin from UV rays.
3)Always remove makeup as early as possible after came back at home because pollution and makeup both prevent our skin to breath properly.
4)Don't stay long time in pool or sea beach.
5)Drink plenty of water, green vegetables, salads and fruits to detoxify the body.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Top 5 Healing Foods For Healthy, Glowing Skin

Are you one of those consumers? Shelling out big bucks for expensive cosmetics to treat an assortment of skin issues, like wrinkles and dryness. For a fraction of the cost you can treat these skin troubles naturally by eating these 5 healing foods.

Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect cell membranes. It has been proven to reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light, which in turn reduces the risk of skin cancer. Green tea is high in the cancer-fighting polyphenol, EGCG, this "fountain of youth" helps skin by reactivating dying skin cells.

Salmon: Salmon, along with other fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseed, is high in healthy fatty acids that are key for achieving healthy, youthful skin. Omega-3s also reduce the body's production of inflammatory agents that can damage the skin.

Blueberries: The antioxidants and phytochemicals (plant sources of nutrition) in blueberries neutralize DNA-damaging free radicals, reducing cell damage, for younger looking skin.

Carrots: Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is a required nutrient for healthy skin, and contain high levels of antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage of skin cells. Vitamin A is required for developing and maintaining skin cells, and a deficiency of the vitamin can cause dry skin.

Water: Drinking plenty of pure, clean water will help rejuvenates skin cells, keeping your skin young and healthy-looking. Water both hydrates cells and helps them move toxins out and nutrients in. Experts say that when the body is properly hydrated, it sweats more efficiently, which helps keep the skin clean and clear.

Foods containing sugar, white flour, saturated fats, and fried foods are especially bad for the skin, since they can trap oil and bacteria beneath the skin.

Fancy creams can mask the problem - you must treat your inner nutritional deficiencies before you'll see improvement on the outside. Try a raw food smoothie every morning and you'll have skin that glows!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Shower Filters: A surprising secret to glowing skin and hair

Life is immensely colorful. Life enthralls you; amaze you at each and every step. Life gives you innumerable occasions to celebrate. And to enjoy life, one needs good health. But the fact is that it's difficult to have good health as most of the potable water available on earth is polluted.

The growing menace of impure water led to the use of devices and systems to purify and filter not only drinking water but other waters also. Municipal water treatments systems that started in the early part of the 20th century laid the foundations for a multi-tiered approach to maximize drinking water in a given water supply systems. But continuous use of chlorine in water to disinfect water has adversely affected the health of human beings. No doubt, it has benefits but in gaseous form, chlorine is at least an irritant and in its heavier concentrations, it is deadly. The exposure to chloroform in the shower can exceed that from drinking water by 600%. Chlorine in air can create acute respiratory problems in asthmatic patients. Excessive chlorine in shower water affects the softness of skin and makes the quality of hair dull. It makes hair break and split. Now it has been seen in some countries that many water treatment systems have begun substituting chloramines for chlorine as it produces comparable reduction in microbes while being somewhat toxic in drinking water. However, due to its being a derivative of ammonia, it too can have adverse effects, especially in gaseous form.

All of this brings us to the issue at hand � the necessity of using shower water filters to maintain good health. The cosmetic benefits of using a shower filter are obvious to anyone who has ever experienced the harshness of chlorinated water. The removal of chlorine from showering water guarantees softer skin and hair as the body is able to maintain its natural, moisturizing oils. Also chlorine removal allows for less frequent use of expensive lotions and conditioners because skin and hair remains naturally softer and healthier. There are many shower filters in the market and it comes in different shapes and sizes. Aquasana shower filter is the best in the segment and it uses an innovative dual-filter process. Stage 1 reduces chlorine and enhances pH balance with a natural copper/zinc mineral media called KDF-55D. Stage 2 uses a carbonized coconut shell media for the reduction of synthetic chemicals and VOCs. This ultra-modern process gives you chlorine-free water and without worrying, you can croon songs in shower water as long as you wish.

Install our shower filters in your bathroom and enjoy the difference it brings to your skin and hair.

For more information about home water filter, visit:

Monday, December 11, 2006

Winning the Skin War - Best Acne Skin Care

The best acne skin care begins with you. The right attitude should complement the proper treatment and preventive measures. If you content yourself with using anti-acne products sold commercially, you may not be in the right track to fight against it. Acne can happen to anyone even if they're way over puberty. The best acne skin care is treating acne from the inside out.

Must-eat fruits for acne

Begin with these must-eat fruits as part of your best acne skin care: eat at least 2 apples a day; consume as many apricots as you want; one banana a day helps your digestive system; blackberries, blueberries and cherries aid in ridding the blood of wastes; cantaloupes are high in vitamins A and C as well as other minerals that help in the treatment of skin problems. Figs contain high fibers that are good for digestion; grapefruits help eliminate toxins from drugs to improve liver function; grapes help in building new blood cells; mango neutralizes acid waste; strawberries contain anti-acne enzymes; while pineapples have papain that helps to metabolize protein.

Fruits in general have excellent cleansing agents and minerals that hasten the body's recovery against infections, including acne. So eating fruits many times a day should be part of a best acne skin care regimen.

Go herbal

The best acne skin care you can offer yourself is probably a herbal treatment. It is inexpensive and doesn't contain harsh substances that leave pollutants in your body in contrast to your doctor's prescription drugs. Plus, they are right over your kitchen!

Be among the thousands of people in the world who revere basil as a sacred herb. It's famous in the treatment of skin disorders, in case you don't know. Drink it (like tea) or apply it topically, use olive or virgin coconut oil as base. The results will tell you.

Sandalwood and neem are renowned as best acne skin care treatment. Both have antibacterial properties that treat acne before they develop. Use them as a paste and apply liberally on affected and surrounding areas.

Aside from the above mentioned best acne skin care treatments, combating acne means clearing your face of dirt and excess oil. Choose mild cleansers that contain a few percentages of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These help relieve sores and lesions. If it's necessary for you to use moisturizers, get the ones that are non-comedogenic. Use only oil-free make-up as these can block pores.

The best acne skin care treatment begins with you. Living a healthy lifestyle (bet you know what healthy is) and in harmony with nature (get enough sleep) will surely benefit you entirely.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Proactive - Skin Care Acne Control Products That Work

It can be hard to find skin care acne control products that really work. However, one of the best is Proactive. Several famous people use Proactive with great results including Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Williams. You, too, can use this skincare product that will help you fight your problem acne. This solutions was discovered when two doctors, Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields started trying to find a solution that worked for more than just acne spots. They wanted to make something to cure the problem. They used their research and experience to create a comprehensive skin care acne control product that works for everyone from teenagers to adults.

Proactiv is a three step solution that starts with a renewing cleanser. The smooth grains in the cleanser are so tiny, they are able to fit inside your clogged pores. They unclog the pore and start the long process of removing the dead skin cells that can cause acne. The renewing cleaner contains benzoyl peroxide that attacks the bacteria that causes acne. Once you've cleansed your face, you are ready for a revitalizing toner. Most toners contain alcohol, but Proactive skin care acne control products do not contain any alcohol, so they are far more gentle to your face than other products on the market. The toner balances your skin tone and finishes the process of dead skin cell removal. The Proactive process finishes with a repairing lotion. This helps to heal problem blemishes and prevent new ones from forming.

Finding the right skin care acne control product can be very tough. You have to evaluate things carefully. However, Proactiv is one of the best products on the market. Combined with a good diet and a healthy lifestyle, proactive can help stop your acne in its tracks, which can lead to a better self-esteem as well as a better complexion.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Natural Treatments for Beautiful Skin

Your skin naturally sheds dead cells every day, which helps to keep it smooth and fresh looking. But after the age of 35, the dead cells that make up the outer layer of your skin are not shed as rapidly as when you were younger. As dead cells accumulate, they make your skin look dull and dry and you lose the healthy, radiant look that characterizes youthful skin. You can greatly improve the appearance of your skin by regularly removing the top layer of dead skin cells, a process called exfoliation. Exfoliation is accomplished by using grainy scrubs that physically remove dead cells through gentle abrasion, or fruit-enzyme skin peels or alpha-hydroxy acid skin peels, which dissolve the top layer of dead skin cells.

Natural scrubs are made from finely ground fibrous plant material such as oatmeal, corn meal, almonds, and apricot kernels. Be cautious when using grainy scrubs, because many are too harsh to use on the delicate skin of your face. For a gentle scrub that will not irritate your skin. Although many grainy scrubs are too abrasive to use on your face, they are perfect to use as an allover exfoliator for your body. Your body builds up dead skin cells just as your face does and benefits from a weekly exfoliating treatment.

Fruit-enzyme peels are made from fruit or vegetable enzymes that exfoliate the skin in approximately 20 minutes without scrubbing. Many contain green papaya, which contains the protein digesting enzyme papain. Dead skin cells are composed primarily of protein, and enzyme peels digest the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin without harming new cell growth. Enzyme peels are gentle exfoliators and leave skin noticeably smoother and softer after only one treatment. They can be used as part of a weekly or monthly facial treatment and can even be used daily as part of a program to rejuvenate aging skin.

Alpha-hydroxy acids are natural exfoliators derived from foods such as citrus fruits (citric acid), sour milk (lactic acid), grapes (tartaric acid), sugar cane (glycolic acid), and apples (malic acid). These gentle, natural acids work by loosening the "glue" that binds the outermost layer of surface cells together, which increases the shedding of dead skin cells and encourages the formation of new skin cells. The idea of using the natural acids found in foods to renew the skin is not new-Cleopatra bathed in buttermilk, and red wine has been used for centuries as a skin wash. Alpha-hydroxy acids improve skin texture and color, reduce fine lines and age spots, and make pores appear smaller. Although you will usually notice smoother skin after the first treatment, you'll need to use alphahydroxy acids on a regular basis for two months or longer to see a significant improvement in skin texture and diminishment of fine lines. There are a variety of natural products available, and most contain between 5 and 15 percent alpha-hydroxy acids. Products that contain higher percentages of alpha-hydroxy acids will create faster results, but often cause stinging or tingling sensations when applied to the skin. These reactions are not usually a cause for concern, but severe stinging or redness indicates an undue sensitivity or allergic reaction and you should try a different product with a lower concentration of alpha-hydroxy acids.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Look Younger! Simple Skin Care Tips For Your Face

Everybody wants to look younger, it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman; and with the wide variety of skin care products on the market today, there is sure to be something to suit your needs. The first thing you need to do is keep your skin clean, wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once more at night. Do not use harsh soaps, choose a mild aloe vera based soap and pat your skin dry, do not rub because rubbing can cause irritation which can lead to other skin problems. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy diet and do some exercise because exercise not only stimulates the heart but all the other parts of the body as well.

When you are going outdoors you should always protect your face with a sun block because the sun is responsible for such symptoms as wrinkles, blotchy pigmentation, dryness, texture changes and uneven skin color and makes the skin look older. You might also consider wearing sunglasses as they will protect the eyelids from aging and will cause you to squint less, which is what causes crows feet because of exposure to the sun without eye protection.

One of the simplest ways to looking younger that does not require any sort of creams or lotions is to smile, as your face tends to conform to the expression that you carry most of the time. If you are continually scowling you are most likely to develop wrinkles between the eyes, furrows that come from a frowning facial expression and lines that seem to turn down at the corners of the mouth. You should try and have a smiling, relaxed, pleasant expression on your face so that your face can take on that happy expression so you won't look so severe and it will definitely make you look younger.

There are many skin care products that are said to make the skin look younger such as Oil of Olay Age Defying Lotion, Retin-A and Alpha hydroxyl acids. Oil of Olay Age Defying Lotion can be bought at your local drug store or supermarkets and is one of the safest products that can be used without any side effects. Retin-A which is a rather popular age defying product is said to be very effective in the improvement of the appearance of the skin, but there are some side effects such as skin irritation and peeling and unlike Oil of Olay it cannot be bought without a medical prescription. Another favorite is Alpha hydroxyl acids, which has proven to have remarkable results in giving the skin a younger look and it does not have any side effects as the prescription products.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Find Out How Natural Remedies Help Health And Skin

Generally speaking, natural remedies and herbal remedies are a form of alternative medicine. The use of herbal remedies focuses on long-term health and treating the underlying cause of illness rather than the symptoms. This differs significantly from the practice of traditional medicine, which treats the symptoms and not the illness. Which method makes more sense? That's what I thought too.

What is so amazing about natural herbal remedies is their close association to our modern medicines. Natural herbal remedies are good medicine. The herbal product is usually available in dried form, although sometimes is also available in liquid form. The reason it is not as readily available in liquid form is because of the natural ingredients with the use of chemical preservatives, and therefore the shelf life is not as long as it is for non-natural remedies that contain preservative chemicals.

The warm herbal tea will help clear mucus out of your baby's lungs. Another very effective and gentle natural cough remedy for babies is an herbal rub. Or you can purchase over the counter herbal formulations with dosages designed for infants at your local health shop.

There are many natural herbal ear cleaners and wash on the market. Natural remedies include herbal remedies, behavioral therapies, relaxation techniques, good lifestyle habits, and ideal sleep hygiene. Try to have a sleep inducing herbal tea or drinks such as milk, before going to bed.

There are herbal and botanical products that some experts consider as natural remedies and alternatives to prescription drugs. For heartburn symptoms, many people try a botanical or herbal natural remedy. If you have never used natural herbal remedies before but are curious about them, invite friends over for a party to sample the products you're interested in.

You have heard the saying, "Your health is all you have". Consider beginning your day with a cup of ginger tea (add honey and/or lemon for taste), or with toast sprinkled with crystallized ginger slices or ginger jam (you can purchase these at health food stores). You may also want to consider trying a G-Zyme capsule with syrup, which is a wonderful health supplement that is known for its effectiveness in indigestion and related problems.

A doctor known as an aesthetician can help you to identify your skin type and make recommendations about cleansers and moisturizers. This is proven again and again on a daily basis, judging by the amount of acne skin cleansers, solutions and exfoliation masks that are sold. If you suffer from a skin blemish then you already know that acne is a problem that plagues millions of consumers all over the world on a daily basis.

Instead of using plain water to wash your skin, a fresh parsley infusion is the best substitute. Acne is the most commonly encountered skin condition during adolescents and young adults between ages 12 and 35. But for those of us whose skin requires a little further help � are there any natural acne treatments available that can help us improve our skin.

Natural home remedies, whether it is for acne, skin care, infection or cold or even chronic irritants like arthritis or headaches, work or at least, provide relief to some extent. However, a regular use of TCA peels can really give you a skin free from blemishes and keep it looking fresh and young.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Best Skin Care Products: Wrinkle-Free For Life

Well it is no surprise that most people will keep away from having wrinkles like the plague, unfortunately the sad truth is that many people who experience wrinkles in their lifetimes, in fact, could've prevented it by following some very simple guidelines

For instance, during the summertime and when the sun is out and is in full-blown effect, you should always make sure to protect your skin from the sun by always wearing sunscreen. If you are attempting to get tan, consider "tan in a can" solutions in conjunction with exfoliators to get a natural looking tan without risking wrinkles and worse yet, skin cancer.

It is for the most part shown that weight loss can also help avoid the onset of wrinkles. For the most part folks who are a bit overweight may experience the folds in the skin that would be very hard to get rid of down the road. The best bet is to simply try to stay healthy and live a good life which provides benefits well-beyond preventing just wrinkles of course

Other than that you should from time to time check out the latest beauty magazines or television shows to check out some of the latest cutting edge ways in which to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Also make sure to subscribe to different newsletters on beauty and skincare to keep up-to-date with this ever expanding industry for the best skin care products for you.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Disparate Skin Types And Care

The five senses play an important role in recognizing the world around us. The sense of touch is primary to our learning process as individuals. Skin has its types and knowing them is vital for proper care of your skin. According to the texture we have varied skin types. They are Normal Skin, Dry skin, Oily skin, Combination skin, and Sensitive skin.

Normal Skin
A perfect balance of oil and moisture contents reflects a fine texture of supple and smooth skin. Normal skin does not develop any spots or blemishes and reflects good health.

Normal skin care
It needs gentle treatment. Use a mild oil based moisturizer to prevent it from getting dry. Even the toner and soap should be mild( baby soap) .

Dry skin
Dry skin seems to reflect lesser moisture and oil content. It has a parched appearance. It is prone to wrinkles and lines and has a tendency to flake easily. It is problematic in cold weather and ages faster than normal or oily skin. This is due to the insufficient sebum from the sebaceous glands.

Dry skin care
Skin vitamins and other supplements could be taken to prevent dry skin. Constant protection is important for dry skin. Wash your face in the morning with a rich creamy cleanser and warm water, rinse in cold water and pat your skin to dry. Use a moisturizer during the day and a good cream at night. Avoid toners that contain alcohol as alcohol based products have a drying effect on the skin.

Oily skin
This skin oozes out with oil due to the over secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. The oily surface attracts dirt and dust. Black heads, white heads, spots, pimples are a common feature for those with oily skins.

Oily skin care
Oily skins need a thorough cleansing regularly. Wash your face several times a day with liquid cleanser soap and warm water, rinse in cold water and dry your skin. Use toners and other make up that contain alcohol to help dry the skin. Use of powder minimizes the shine.

Combination skin
Combination is essentially a referral to the two basic extremes of oily and dry. It is called combination because certain areas of the skin is oily where as the rest is dry. On the face it is some times referred to as the T-Zone where the oily parts are the forehead, nose and chin and the dry areas are the rest of the face. Sometimes it is oily T-Zone and a normal skin for the rest.

Combination skin care
Treatment in this case should be according to the area of the skin. Cleansers for combination skins like water based moisturizers, or alpha hydroxy acids and vitamin A retinols are good for combination skins. Apply more of the moisturizer to the dry part and less to the oily part. Make up kits you buy should be the oil absorbing type.

Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin is fine textured. It irritates easily and often gets red and blemished. It is very sensitive to sun, wind, and cold weather. People with this type of skin are allergic to beauty products as well. Rosacea skin is another disorder of the facial skin. It also causes redness of skin and can get worse in extreme case. Meet the skin specialist to get specialized Rosacea skin care for this ailment.

Sensitive skin care
Avoid using skin products with exfoliates. For washing your face, choose products that are hypoallergenic. Choose moisturizers that are fragrance free. In case your hypoallergenic toner or skin products cause irritation discontinue use of that product.

Youthful and radiant is the expression every one dreams of. Facial skin problems can cause dull, dry and flaky complexion that can add years to your face.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Importance of Vitamin C For Glowing Skin

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin, which is necessary in the body to form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels, and aids in the absorption of iron. Vitamin C is also a highly effective antioxidant. Even in small amounts vitamin C can protect indispensable molecules in the body, such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species that can be generated during normal metabolism as well as through exposure to toxins and pollutants (e.g. smoking). Vitamin C may also be able to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E. Vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is necessary to form collagen, an important protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is essential for the healing of wounds, and for the repair and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C toxicity is very rare, because the body cannot store the vitamin. However, amounts greater than 2,000 mg/day are not recommended because such high doses can lead to stomach upset and diarrhea.

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient that is easily excreted from the body when not needed. Many uses for vitamin C have been proposed, but few have been conclusively demonstrated as being beneficial in scientific studies. About 90% of vitamin C in the average diet comes from fruits and vegetables. Peppers�sweet green and red peppers and hot red and green chili peppers�are especially rich in vitamin C. Humans, gorillas, chimps, bats, guinea pigs and birds are some of the few animals that cannot make vitamin C inside of their own bodies. In people who developed colds while taking vitamin C, no difference in severity of symptoms has been seen overall, although a very small significant reduction in the duration of colds has been reported (approximately 15% in children). Vitamin C helps in maintaining a healthy immune system, it aids in neutralizing pollutants, is needed for antibody production, acts to increase the absorption of nutrients (including iron) in the gut, and thins the blood. Just to mention its most important functions.

Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, the elastic tissue in skin that declines with age. If you want glowimg skin. Avoid direct sun light- by wearing protective clothing, staying on the shade and applying sunscreen daily. Avoid or limit your toxins intake this includes alcohol, coffee, spicy food, drugs, limit sugar intake etc. Exercise regularly, to reduce stress and brings more oxygen to your skin resulting in firmer and nourished skin. Maintain a cleansing routine- remove makeup daily (do not wash more than two times a day), and get a facial every 7-10 days. Taking natural food always proved to be helpful to maintain overall health, and healthy skin and hair are no exception. Avoiding junk food and taking in food that has essential nutrients is a simple way to get healthy skin. Most beauty creams and facial wash contains vitamin C, the reason is, it not only protect your skin against pimples and premature aging but can also make skin radiant and glowing.

Natural Glowing Skin Tips

1. Drink 6-8 glasses of watera day.

2. Workout Regulary.

3. Drink green Tea daily.

4. Wear Rare Minearls at Night.

5. Eat Plenty of vegatables and Fruit.

6. Avoiding junk food and taking in food that has essential nutrients.

7. Avoid or limit your toxins intake this includes alcohol, coffee, spicy food, drugs, limit sugar intake.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Organic Skin Care

Surprisingly looking good is no more confined to women but the revolution in the world of beauty has even pulled the men making them also realized that beauty is denoted by how healthy your skin is and not simply by your make-up. As there is no substitute for beautiful skin so it is essential to take care of your skin. The great looking skin is not only the ideal canvas for makeup, but also it is a good sign of health inside out. Do not be reluctant about this issue of caring your skin because your skin is something that will bag you compliments and will be with you for the rest of your life. Apart from providing beauty to your look it biologically assists in sensory perception, protects you from wounds, works as a obstructer against dehydration, aids in temperature upkeep, removes toxic wastes, aids in the manufacture of vitamin D, and serve as a protective covering to the organs and tissues within your body. In simple words, your skin is a vital part of your life

As each one of us desires to look beautiful therefore it is essential that you care for it and maintain it in a healthy state so that it will continue to function well for you in future too. Though there are several skins care creams and lotions being launched seemingly every day, organic skin care is the best way to take good care of your skin. Organic skin care involves using organic products obtained from food that is grown without synthetic pesticides, insecticides or any other artificial chemical and is harmless to your skin. Various organic skin care products that are available in the market are specially manufactured to suit the various skin texture from dry skin to normal or dry skin to help you gain fresh and glowing skin in the natural way.

There is no doubt that organic skin care products have become the latest rage for beauty conscious people who wants to avoid the harmful affects of the chemical used in the traditional products. First determine your skin type and then purchase those products that suit your skin type. Make sure to read the ingredients of the organic skin care product you choose to use and evaluate the safety of any ingredient listed on your skin care product with the help of your local library or the internet.

Organic skin care products can help you accomplish your goal of possessing a healthier skin and attractive look whatever your complexion may be without harming your skin.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Healhty Skin Diet

Healthy skin diet is the key to clear beautiful skin. Diet is a very important factor in skin care. fruits in daily diet. There should be a proper balance diet in all meals in right proportion of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, fats and proteins. Non-vegetarians have rich amount of protein in their diet but vegetarian diet lacks it so they need to include good amount of proteins in their diet. One should avoid eating all junk food, fried food and saturated stuff to keep the skin in a good condition as they are the main cause of getting acne, pimples and break outs on the skin after hormonal imbalance. The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre and for most people a healthy diet is simple and easy to do. The move towards a healthy diet may just mean eating more fruit, vegetables, bread, cereals, potatoes, and pasta. Zinc is for boosting the immune system and promoting optimum health. Selenium is a mineral antioxidant that will help minimized the damage of ultraviolet lights. There are 5 basic food groups and a healthy diet consists of eating a variety of foods from all of the groups but in the correct proportions. First is Bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, noodles and breakfast cereals.

Second is fruit and vegetables. Third is milk and dairy foods. fourth is Meat, fish, poultry and pulses and last is foods containing fats and sugars. Proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are the main skin foods which one needs to increase in the diet if the skin is saggy or is older than the actual age. Vitamin C-vitamin C is a very helpful vitamin in keeping all the allergies away from body and help increasing the immune system.Sugar is one of the main sources of carbohydrates but it causes more damage than benefit so one should keep a check on the sugar intake in one's diet. Vegetarian diet lack proper proteins so vegetarians can increase their intake of pulses, dairy products, and sprouts, which are rich source of proteins. Soya beans too are a great source and these days they are available in different meal types in markets as Soya chunks, Soya granules, Soya flour, which is very good for body and skin. Vitamin E to protect your cells against free radicals. This is a powerful antioxidant that helps slow the aging of skin cells and promote healthy skin.

Healhty Skin Diet Tips

1. Food eaten should be warm, freshly cooked and must be in proper quantity.

2. Virudh anna (food that is incompatible with each other) should not be taken. Such as fruit salads prepared in milk or milk preparations must be avoided with fish.

3. The environment around while consuming food must be clean, pleasant and hygienic.

4. Spicy, very hot, oily, fried and pungent food must be avoided and thus junk food, fast food from outside must be avoided.

5. Large amount of water, liquids, juices etc must be taken to reduce dryness of the intestine and drain wastes out of the blood through urine.

6. Fruit juice such as grapes, lemon, etc. is also recommended.

7. Selenium plays a key role in skin cancer prevention.

8. Zinc is for boosting the immune system and promoting optimum health.

9. Selenium is a mineral antioxidant that will help minimized the damage of ultraviolet lights.

10. Vitamins are essential in one's daily diet and they play a very important role in skin care.

11. Drink Plenty of Water.