Thursday, November 30, 2006

Protect your skin, come rain or shine

Did you know you can tell the weather just by looking at someone's face? It's not just the eyes that give out psychological symbols of sunny or depressing weather, but also the face. Not only do vitamins protect your skin against negative impacts of depressing or overheated weather, but they also encourage your mind to shine when it's raining, and keep moisturised and healthy in the sun.

Isn't it strange that oxygen, the giver of life, is also the source of potentially damaging free radicals? Environmental sources of free radicals include exposure to ionizing radiation (from industry, sun exposure, cosmic rays, and medical X-rays), ozone and nitrous oxide (primarily from automobile exhaust), heavy metals (such as mercury, cadmium, and lead), cigarette smoke (both active and passive), alcohol, unsaturated fat, and other chemicals and compounds from food, water, and air. In fact, they are everywhere, but like the weather, there are ways to protect us against natural but damaging phenomena.

Which vitamins and nutritional supplements should you take for your skin every day, particularly when it's raining?

Anti-oxidant vitamins A, C and E will help fight against free radicals in the air that tend together around air pollutants, stressful conditions and depressively dull weather. If it's raining and you're feeling down, try to add plenty of brightly colored vegetables and fruit such as carrots, tomatoes, strawberries and kiwi to your diet. When you think you just aren't getting enough of these, you should take nutritional supplements such as vitamins A and C, up to your daily recommended allowance.

What else can you do for your skin when it's grizzly weather outside?

If it's pouring with rain and you can't even see a possibility of the end of the clouds, try to keep exercising between eating your regular meals and taking your vitamins. Exercise will help keep your blood circulation running well, and this in turn will do wonders for the appearance of your skin. With collagen fibers being given nourishment by your workout, your skin will look plumper and the sweat you release will cleanse your pores to prevent acne outbreaks. Don't wait for a sunny day to keep fit, and try not to let two meals go by without a few minutes of good physical exertion.

Make sure your habits are more constant than the weather: virtuous refreshments are essential to clear and sunny skin.

It might be raining outside, but that's no reason to hit the bottle! While some red wine is good for you, and a glass or two of beer won't do you too much harm, try to keep your water intake at an equivalent or higher level. Water hydrates the skin from the inside out, so try taking drinking enough water that you rarely get thirsty. If you are drinking less than five glasses of water a day, you should think of upping your quantity. And when you are taking your vitamins and nutritional supplements, you should always accompany them with several swallows of water, so they can take effect faster and reduce discomfort to the delicate lining of your stomach.

Short term comforts are not a good response to dreary weather.

Out on the town and it's easy to reach out for something to hold onto, particularly when the weather is harsh. Be sure it isn't a cigarette or cigar if you value youthful skin. Short term comfort just isn't enough reason to smoke, when your skin will increasingly show the effects. Smoke causes blood vessels to narrow, blocking blood flow and starving the skin of oxygen.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Moisturize Your Skin And It Will Stay Healthy

Acne is not a life threatening problem it is more of a nuisance and many people can create scarring from it. There is good news, you can fight acne and the situation is not hopeless. The most important goal of acne skin care should include clearance of acne, prevention of scarring and, morbidity minimization. Good acne skin care starts with eating right drinking plenty of water and cleaning the face often. When you get acne the best defense is knowing how to deal with the acne and properly taking care of your skin. Acne skin care can help keep the problem from getting worse, and even alleviate it.

There are two types of dry skin, the first is extreme dry skin and the other is normal dry skin. In both types of dry skin the leading cause of this is a lack of natural moisture in the skin. Staying out in the sun for many hours will cause the skin to dry and become damaged, the skin will become dry.

Limit the amount of caffeine that you consume. Stress when feeling tense is something that can make the acne worse. The myth of greasy foods or chocolate causing acne is just that a myth. Nor is it caused by stress but of course stress can make it look worse. Many times when a teenager is stressed out this will affect the acne on his or her body. An increase in stress will promote acne amongst people of all ages. Breathing exercises are excellent for reducing stress. Keep in mind that too much stress can affect your overall health as well as your complexion. Even though you take care of your skin by using medications you can also help by eating a low-fat diet, drinking water and getting plenty of sleep. In addition, stress should be avoided. Let go of stress. Stress can show up on your face, no matter how well you take care of your skin.

Moisturize throughout the day to keep skin healthy. Since dry skin occurs often on hands you can moisturize them many times a day. Water is the secret ingredient for fresh dewy looking, soft and supple skin. Your face will reflect a healthy glow and will also prevent premature aging by keeping the skin from chapping and drying out.

You can purchase cleansers and they come in many different forms like bars, creams, lotions and gels. Using cleansing products are very good at removing makeup you're your face plus they revitalize your pores. Using many different products can help with pimples and blackheads, you could use lotions and cucumber peels to help with this. Cleansers are also an essential skin care product since they aid in the removal or dirt, make-up and dead skin cells from the skin. Using cleansers will clean your skin and restore the oils and remove the impurities. Liquid cleansers are available in the market for all skin types.
Actually, the dermatologist is exactly who you need to beat acne. Keeping your skin healthy you need to moisturize daily, use products that will prevent dry skin and acne from appearing. You need to make sure you know what skin type you are before applying any type of medicines or creams.

Monday, November 27, 2006

How to Keep Your Skin Looking Younger

How many women do you know who look years older than their actual age? Whether because they spent too much time in the sun, or smoked heavily for half of their life, or any other reason, their skin is dry and wrinkled long before it should be.

Is it possible to have young looking skin when you are in your 50s? How can you protect your skin now so it looks young and smooth long after others are experiencing wrinkles? There are some things you can do to improve your chances of preventing pre-mature wrinkles.

First, drink plenty of water. Doctors recommend everyone drinks at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. It really does help your skin stay young.

Second, do not stay out in the sun for hours. If you must be out in the sun, be sure to wear make-up that includes sun protection or put on a sun screen. There are make-up brands available that are very good at protecting your face from the sun's harmful rays.

If you use a sun screen, the SPF numbers stand for the length of time it will protect your skin. For instance, a sunscreen that is SPF 15 means that if you normally burn after 20 minutes, the sunscreen will protect you for 15 times longer than the 20 minutes, or about 5 hours. So you want to choose the SPF number that will protect you for the time you are out in the sun, and then re-apply it if you get wet or if you sweat.

Third, do not smoke. It isn't good for your lungs and it isn't good for your skin. In fact, people who smoke are more likely to get several different cancers than people who don't smoke, including lung and oral cancer.

Fourth, use moisturizers and emollients to keep your skin moist. When applying a moisturizer it is best to apply it while your skin is damp.

Fifth, be gentle with your skin. Use lukewarm water to wash your face, and do not rub hard. Also be gentle when applying make-up.

Sixth, reduce the stress in your life and learn how to relax. Stress ages your skin and causes wrinkles at a younger age. Learn to relax no matter how stressful your surroundings.

Combined these beauty tips will go a long way towards keeping your skin young and attractive, and will help fight the onset of wrinkles.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

Many of the external causes of aging skin are determined by the health and lifestyle decisions you make every day. Anti-aging skin care supplements works in complete synchronization with the body, complementing and supplying the necessary anti-aging nutritive requirements that the skin needs to remove wastes and repair itself, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and reduce the possibility of premature aging. Anti-aging skin care products that focus on rejuvenating the skin often contain high intensity moisturizers. The reason is that skin loses its natural moisture with advancing age, causing it to wrinkle and develop blemishes. Such products may also contain anti-oxidants to counter the deterioration of skin cells. Many anti-aging skin care products aim to boost the skin's production of collagen, which promotes its elasticity and gives it structure.

A good anti aging treatment regimen can make a huge difference in the appearance of aging facial skin. Skin aging is 90% of the time due to sun damage and 10% due to genetic factors. Exercise helps keep us from aging by keeping weight down, working the heart, toning muscles, and getting the blood flowing. People who exercise look younger and feel younger. It's a most beneficial habit to get into. Anti-aging skin care products tend to approach the issue of aging from various angles. The skin is obviously the primary focus, since dull, wrinkled skin is a dead giveaway. Natural anti-aging skin care products do not contain harmful chemical preservatives, mineral oils, fragrances or other synthetic additives. This makes them far more skin-friendly. Intrinsic or biological aging is due to genetic factors. The intrinsic factors are the slow down of skin turnover, decreased collagen and sebum production.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips and Facts:

1. Washing of the face with soap cold water is inadmissible for any skin. To a normal skin in the mornings easy enough swill warm water.

2. Cleanse your skin with medicated soap.

3. Use light antiseptic anti aging cosmetic product for smooth function.

4. Avoid taking oily stuff.

5. You can use a mask of clay or mud. Use antibacterial cleansing lotion to avoid skin rashes.

6. Using lipstick, helps protect your lips from harmful rays.

7. Eat green vegetable, fruits and plenty of milk.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Daily Skin Care Routine - Some Tips

A skincare routine should be followed regularly for the best results. Daily skin and facial care is much more effective in making us look beautiful than any cosmetics in the world. Also, a healthy balanced diet and an efficient digest-absorb-assimilate cycle inside your body are crucial for vital, healthy skin. Toning is an important step in the daily skincare routine because it removes any lingering impurities or greasy residue and helps balance the pH of the skin. It closes the pores and stimulates circulation, helping to prepare the skin to absorb nutrition from the moisturizer that follows. Wash your face with lukewarm water. Apply the mask with smooth upward strokes with your fingertips or a ball of cotton.

A daily skin care regimen should start as early as infancy and continue throughout one's life. One of the most valuable steps in the regimen can be protection from the UV rays, sunscreen should be applied as the last step anytime there will be exposure to the sun. Use a foaming gel face wash if you have a combination skin. If your skin is more oily and prone to breakouts, then you will need a facial wash that specifically targets these conditions. For maximum skin care benefits, the basic routine is usually insufficient, especially for people over thirty. Adding a well-selected product or two with wisely chosen, scientifically proven active ingredients can further improve your results.

Four basic rules for proper skin care:

1. Cleansing

2. Exfoliate

3. Tone

4. Moisturize

Daily skin care Tips:

1. Each day when you take your bath or shower, try to use luke warm water. Hot water dries out the skin.

2. Avoid using harsh soaps which dry the skin. Deodorant soaps are often very harsh and drying.

3. When toweling dry, do not rub the skin. Blot or pat dry so there is still some moisture left on the skin.

4. Sunlight causes skin cancer, aging and wrinkles of the skin. Nothing is more important for daily skin care than avoiding sunlight.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Clear Your Acne And Get Healthy Radiant Skin

Vaginal candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease. However, 12% to 15% of men will develop symptoms such as itching and penile rash following sexual contact with an infected partner.

Probiotics are those little bacteria numbering in the billions that help you live a good healthy life. They help to process food and enhance the absorption of B vitamins. You can end the chronic yeast infection that plagues you by simply starting a daily long term use of probiotics.

In general, symptoms of yeast infection will include two or more of the following: fatigue, depression, brain fog, insomnia, bloating, gas, intestinal cramps, chronic diarrhea or constipation, sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes or other odors, loss of sex drive, allergies and food sensitivities. And thats just for starters. If you are a woman, you might also experience recurrent yeast infections, bladder infections, and have painful menstruation or PMS. A man might suffer from persistent jock itch, athletes foot, other fungal infections, or prostititis. Symptoms in children can include recurring colds, sore throats, ear infections, and digestive problems like gas, constipation or diarrhea.

There are many treatments available, including antifungal creams and prescription pills from physicians. However, the best and most effective treatments are simple home remedies that have a long-lasting effect, with no side effects. In fact, these remedies not only cure the infection, they can also be taken daily to prevent infection. This is unlike the antifungal medication, which can only be taken during an infection due to the fact that the medication can lose effectiveness if taken regularly.

Physical ailments as well as some health complications may occur if severe cases of Candidiasis develop. Candidiasis can bring discomfort as well as pain to the body if no treatments are applied. There are various treatments that may be used for Candidiasis, however attention as well as knowledge is required to overcome severe yeast infections.

Thrush, also known as Candidiasis, is a fungus found in the mouth, genitalia areas, digestive tract and skin. In healthy people, the production of friendly bacteria in the system prevents the fungus from causing disease. However, weakened or damaged immune systems may result in the dangerous growth of the ailment-causing fungus. In addition, certain prescription drugs may offset the balance of natural organisms in the body. Such drugs include the extended use of: antibiotics, chemotherapy, AIDS/HIV treatments, antihistamines, steroids and oral contraceptives with a high estrogen content.

For women who have recurring yeast infections, going to the pharmacy to purchase an over-the-counter treatment is not only time-consuming, but can prove to be quite expensive. The best way to treat a yeast infection is to deal with the root cause of the problem. This is where natural remedies come in. If you want a long term, more permanent solution, go natural!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care Products

It makes sense to learn about the skin, because the skin harbors all of our tissues and it is our most essential protective covering. In this article, I will attempt a general review of anti-aging skin care product solutions so that you can be armed with some information before spending your hard earned money. In the marketplace today, there are literally hundreds of anti aging skin care products available, which claims to reduce wrinkles, lines, and crowfeet. These products claims to remove blotches, freckles, clean pores and solve all other problems that interrupt the skin of the face and elsewhere.

The skin of the face has collagen. Collagen is an indissoluble fiber protein, which transpires in the vertebrate where it functions as a principal ingredient of connecting tissue fibril in bones, and its purpose is to yield a glutton material in the skin known as gelatin and sticky stuff on long-drawn-out exposure to heating with water.

Some of the known causes of wrinkles are simply aging, worrying, and fatigue. However, new studies have shown that tanning beds, the sun, extreme cold weather, smoke and other harmful elements can cause the skin to wrinkle prematurely.

Freckles also occur from direct sunlight exposure, especially if the skin is exposed to the sun excessively. Freckles are smallish brown spots about the skin that usually occurs with precipitations of pigments that engorge with great intensity of exposure to sun rays. Thus, spending hours in the sun or in tanning beds can cause freckles. Splotches then come from over exposure to the sun's rays as well. Thus, to decide on the best anti aging products we must consider what the skins requires to maintain a healthy glow, while minimizing it's exposure to the harmful effects of certain natural processes.

As we age, we naturally acquire a small amount of lines, wrinkles, and so we know that we are getting older. However, excessive wrinkling of the skin, lines, and other problems of the skin are often caused by negligence and/or overexposure to one thing or the other that is damaging to our skin. Many of the products for reducing wrinkles today have certain ingredients in common but some have their own unique ingredients with few products having harmful chemicals.

Alcohol regardless of who says otherwise is never a good choice of solutions for applying to the skin. Alcohol has a secondary element known as ethanol, which is highly flammable. Thus, applying any product with alcohol ingredients obviously is not a good choice.

Some of the best anti-aging skin care products for reducing wrinkles are discovered in reviews. Product reviews is the ultimate option for learning about the products. Marketers will tell you anything just to make a sell; therefore, listening to the voices that have used the products can help you make up your mind which product to purchase. Realize that many of the products for anti aging are expensive; therefore, learning about the product can help you save a fortune.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Acne Skin Care Myths

Many women (and men) suffering from yeast infections resort to the remedies found in a drug store: creams, suppositories, and other "medical" remedies. The problem with these is that they tend to help for only a short period of time and then the yeast comes back with a vengeance. In my experience, there are other, more effective ways to combat this evil menace.

A number of medications are available for skin yeast infection in the form of tablets, capsules, creams, and suppositories etc. A popular family of anti-yeast drugs called Azole drugs (ending in the suffix azole) is effective against yeast causing infection of skin. These drugs act by blocking the manufacture of a compound ergosterol, lacking which the yeast cell dies soon. Since ergosterol is not a component of human cells, the drug is not harmful to human cells.

Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections. You can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps. Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. Keep the external genital area clean and dry. Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow. Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays. Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently. After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in wet bathing suit for prolonged periods. Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor. If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels. Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection. Avoid use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.

You wish to get rid of yeast infection permanently, but there are a lot of cases that yeast infection keeps coming back even with the use of prescribed medicines and you find your self using products after products which you thought could bring you permanent relief. Some may recommend boric acid as a remedy and you must be warned that it is a toxic substance and should not be taken as a remedy to get rid of yeast infection because it is very harmful and may cause deaths. If you find yourself searching for a permanent way on how to get rid of yeast infection, you must attack the root cause and not the symptoms. Your yeast infection keeps coming back because you just treated the symptoms and not the root cause and the infection is still there waiting to be triggered again and again.

Physical ailments as well as some health complications may occur if severe cases of Candidiasis develop. Candidiasis can bring discomfort as well as pain to the body if no treatments are applied. There are various treatments that may be used for Candidiasis, however attention as well as knowledge is required to overcome severe yeast infections.

Though yeast infections are very common women illness, men can experience them as well. Though less common, men can become infected with male yeast infections. The main cause is prolonged antibiotic use as antibiotics kill all bacteria, including those that are healthy. Steroids are also a serious cause of male yeast infections.

There are a wide variety of creams, lotions and other products that claim to help in providing yeast infection relief and eliminate the problem. Monistat 7 is a very well known product, as is others such as Vagistat. The main ingredients in these products are designed to break up the fungus and provide relief as soon as possible. So, do they work? Yes, these types of over-the-counter products can help in fighting the infection, but keep in mind that none of these will treat the root cause of yeast infection.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Dry Skin Rash � How I Cured My Eczema in 16 Days

I cured my eczema in 16 days and I did it by following a rigid health plan. I had suffered eczema since I was seven weeks old and it took almost 35 years for me to completely cure it. In all that time my skin was constantly dry, flaky, inflamed and weepy and was always hidden, where possible, because I was so embarrassed about my skin condition. I had been told by several skin specialists that I would have to live with the ailment for the rest of my life. But I never gave up. I was always willing to try something new.

This magic plan worked wonders for me and I began to see results after two days. It involved the following three basics premises.

Dry Skin Rash Plan # 1) I cured my eczema in 16 days by tossing out the Junk - On the morning of Day One I went into my kitchen and tossed out all the junk food from my cupboards and refrigerator. Junk foods are destructive to the body because of the processing they go through to produce them. Junk foods contain chemicals, preservatives and go through irradiation or are genetically modified. I threw away loads of containers, packets and boxes of coffee, tea, white sugar, dairy products, all red meats, cakes, cookies, cooking oil and salty snacks. My kitchen was now junk food free.

Dry Skin Rash Plan # 2) I cured my eczema in 16 days by creating a new menu � The second thing I did was create a menu that would ensure that 75% of all the foods I eat were raw. Raw foods are life-enhancing, high energy foods and are full to bursting with enzymes. Raw foods tend to revitalise, strengthen, regenerate and enhance the body which would manifest in the growth of healthy new skin. This new daily menu included two raw vegetables juices, a large raw salad topped with seeds and sprouts, ample fruits and steamed vegetables and at least five glasses of purified water. My eczema skin needed to be fed good wholesome foods which would be dramatically change its condition.

Dry Skin Rash Plan # 3) I cured my eczema in 16 days by taking badly needed supplement. The supplements I purchased included Vitamin A and C to strengthen the skin; Vitamin E to improve the pace of healing and a multivitamin, multi-mineral supplement which contained magnesium and zinc. I also purchased some flax seed oil to pour over my daily salad. Flax seed oil is an excellent source of omega 3 and omega 6.

Dry Skin Rash Plan # 4) I cured my eczema in 16 days by introducing some Superfoods. Superfoods are foods that are packed to bursting with enzymes and nutrients and are a must for good health. The Superfoods I purchased included Aloe Vera, Wheatgrass juice and Wild Blue Green Algae. These foods totally transformed the condition of my skin and can be purchased at any good health store.

After two days, as I stated above, I began to see and feel a difference in my skin. I continued with the food plan and by Day 16 my eczema was all clear. All the wounds had healed and I no longer felt the urge to continually scratch.

Ever since I followed this plan, I have not had one day where I have scratched at my skin. I have no rash and my general health has greatly improved too. I would say that I am leaving an ultra healthy lifestyle and I love it.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


In today's society, people are more conscious of not only how they feel, but how they look. The concern over skin diseases has heightened in the last decade and the great advances in science have been addressing these concerns. At Cutanea Life Sciences we are continually developing new products to enhance the health and appearance of those suffering from aging skin and skin diseases.One very common skin disease is Rosacea. This is a chronic long term disease which usually affects the face. The redness, pimples and thickened skin in the advanced stages are characteristic of Rosacea. This skin disease most often is found in adults and more commonly in women. The typical symptom of Rosacea in the early stage is frequent flushing of the face, usually on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin along with a burning sensation. Other forms include Vascular Rosacea which causes persistent redness and flushing; and Inflammatory Rosacea which causes pink bumps and bumps containing pus, along with a persistent redness. This skin disease is also a concern because it causes eye problems, such as redness, dryness, itching, burning, tearing and swelling of the eyelids. It can even go as far as blurring people's vision. Because there is no known cure, dermatologists work to control it and improve the appearance of the skin. Cutanea is currently working on developing an antimicrobial peptide designed to reduce the signs and symptoms associated with Rosacea with minimal adverse side effects.Skin Warts are another common skin disease. They affect millions of people and most are harmless, but they are definitely unappealing. Skin warts can appear anywhere on the body and are passed easily from person to person through direct contact. Not all people are susceptible to HPV, the Human Papilloma Virus that causes warts. This virus thrives in moist and damp areas and attacks people with weaker immune systems. Warts can become very painful when they spread out on the skin and grow into clusters. Cutanea is developing topical viral therapies to ease the pain and recurrence of skin warts while preserving normal skin tissue.When it comes to our appearance, Aging Skin is a battle many people want to win. Surely, no one wants to age before their time. Unfortunately in today's world, the environment significantly adds to the effects of premature aging skin. Some of the external forces that promote aging skin are sun exposure, smoking, and gravity. However, aging skin can also be caused by the genes we inherit. To combat the signs of aging skin, Cutanea is developing an injectible dermal filler for soft tissue augmentation to alleviate such conditions as fine lines, wrinkles, deep folds, scars and loss of facial fat. We believe our product will give natural looking, long lasting results with minimal discomfort.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Beautiful Skin Regime

Skin is the body's mirror of our inner health and wellness, both physical and emotional. Skin plays a vital role in our life, how one looks and feels directly correlates to ones skin. Skin is the largest organ of the body and comprises of cells. Each cell has a life span of 120 days. Skin constantly sheds dead cells and new cells constantly replace them. Skin reflects your state of health, being soft and smooth when well cared for, or dry and flaky when taken for granted. Everyone wants beautiful skin. Some ideas and information to help you have radiant, healthy skin. Skin care is very important for women and men of all ages. Proper moisture levels in your skin (epidermis) help diminish signs of aging and distress from the outdoors. Make-up will help you to some extent but what is most important is natural beauty and a glowing skin. The major culprits that ruin and play havoc on our skin are ultraviolet rays, pollution and stress to some extent.

Men and women will see a marked improvement in their skin when following a skincare plan. Cleanse, tone and moisturise daily. Exfoliate and use a mask regularly. Cleansing removes the dust and stress from your face by cleaning the pores and circulating the blood supply. Use a gentle cleansing agent. Face washes are specially prepared to be effective at cleansing your skin gently and tenderly. Two litres of water daily will hydrate your skin from the inside. A good moisturizer will help prevent your skin's moisture from evaporating into the atmosphere. Use sunscreens during daytime to protect your skin form any kind of damage and premature wrinkles. Steaming helps release toxins and impurities that may be under the skins surface, blocking circulation. Fill a bowl of boiling water, then gently place your face about 4"-5" from the surface and hold for 2-3 minutes.

Beautiful Skin Tips

1. Drink 2 litres of water daily.

2. Enjoy a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables.

3. Try to have a sound, restful sleep.

4. Avoid excess exposure to extremes of temperature.

5. Practice a daily skin care regime.

6. Exercise regularly.

7. Keep stress levels to a minimum.

8. Limit intake of caffeine and alcohol.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The search for optimal anti-aging skin care techniques

Anti-aging skin care regimes are becoming a critical component to many people's beauty routine. The goal is to look younger, longer. Many want their appearance to reflect their vital state of mind and health.

All anti-aging skin care techniques work to reduce the progression of visible signs of aging. While getting older is a process that cannot be stopped, it can be slowed with the proper internal and external care of the body.

It is possible to delay the natural aging process through cosmetic surgery, expensive medical treatments, diet and exercise. The many hundreds of anti-aging products on the market can also provide assistance.

Whether they are applied externally or ingested internally, many men and women are taking advantage of the new breakthroughs in skincare.

Most topical anti-aging skin care products are designed to moisturize and hydrate the skin, lessen fine lines, reduce roughness and pigmentation, and protect the skin from sun damage. Various ingredients may be found in ready-made products and can contribute to anti-aging skin care techniques.

Look for products that include Aloe Vera, Alpha lipolic acid, coenzyme Q10, copper, Embilica, flavonoids, Phyto-oestrogens, and Vitamins A, C and E.
One quick and easy anti-aging technique is a dry brush exfoliation. This procedure can be done in the morning shower.

Take a soft, natural bristle brush, apply light pressure and brush in small circles. This eliminates dead skin cells, improves lymph and blood circulation and decreases puffiness. An exfoliation cream can also provide similar effects.

A critical component to good skin care is limitation of sun exposure and use of a good sunscreen. Ultraviolet rays not only damage the DNA in skin cells, but also inhibit the mechanisms that repair damaged skin cells. It is advised to apply protection with an SPF 15 or higher daily.

It is important to continuously use moisturizer during cold weather and dry heat. Applying moisturizer to a damp face helps seal in moisture. Ensure that these moisturizing products do not contain alcohol as it can dry the skin.

Applying retinoid topical creams can help stimulate collagen production and reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Retin-A Micro and Renova are two brands available by dermatologist prescription.

A good tip is to layer anti-aging, skincare formulas. Try a wet, hydrating cream under a rich, dense balm to give skin a plumped up, cushiony look. Use the fingers' warmth to help blend the creams.

Nothing will completely halt the progression of time. Aging is an inevitable fact of life. But with proper anti-aging skin care and maintenance, anyone can look as good as they feel.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Facial Skin Care for Men

Believe it or not, men do have the same skin issue as women. Women usually get the limelight on facial products and care but men tend to shy away from this matter. Men also do get wrinkles and pimples, dry skin and oily skin, cancer and many of them suffer with pimples all their life. Nowadays, men skin care is gaining more attention from various parties regarding men skin care, but how can men find the best solution for them.

Men and women have different skin but how can we differentiate between them? Men do not spend much money on cosmetics, facial wash but shave more than women. There are more products for women but there are some for men. However, the publicity of skin care products for men is insignificant compared to women's.

Here are some good tips that men can follow to ensure good and healthy face. Use facial cleanser once in the morning and once in the evening, try to avoid soap as it can make your skin dry. When shaving, try using mild shaving cream or gel, shave at least 1-3 times a week. Breakouts should be treated with antibacterial products, use sunscreen products with SPF 15 if you are going out on the sun and use moisturizer on dry skin area.

Since men usually shave more then women, but it is not often to encounter problems like ingrown hairs, razor burn or irritation from shaving. Shaving products should not sting actually. When we are shaving hairs off our face, sometimes we tend to shave off the skin without noticing. This is bad as our skin will be irritated.

If you do experience any rash, most likely it is due to the products that you have used before, during or after shaving. Most of the products contain ingredients that irritate the skin such as alcohol, menthol, camphor and peppermint. If one is still facing problems as such, it's time to move on to a new and different shaving product. Shaving cream or gels that contains emollient ingredients is suitable because it keeps the skin smooth and mosturized. Furthermore, look for ingredients that have aloe, silicone or allantoin which is listed the first five ingredients in shaving products. Products which is �alcohol free' is also important as it will not be irritate the skin while shaving.

Men's skin is sensitive thus men should be more careful while choosing products for their face and take good care. Hopefully in the future, there will be more skin care products for men with different type of skins.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Do You Really Know the Problems Which Oily Skin Can Bring?

If you have oily skin you will know that it can be an absolute nightmare! Trying to make oily skin looking fresh throughout the day can often be a real chore, and there are many problems which the condition can cause. So just what harm can Oily skin cause you and how can you prevent it?

The Problems Which Oily Skin Can Bring

Oily skin is most linked to Acne, and it is no surprise that people with oily skin do have a lot more blemishes. The excess oil is caused by the male hormone Androgen which is found in both males and females. Androgen speeds up the development of Sebum which causes excess oil.

Although Acne is the main condition that oily skin causes, oily skin can also cause the pores to become enlarged and rough. Often oily skin appears shiny, dull looking and it is thicker than usual. The excess oil means that the skin is prone to blackheads and often embarrassing blemishes can appear too.

If you do have oily skin, you will notice that your skin becomes dirtier a lot quicker. This is because the oil attracts dirt and dust from the surrounding environment and that can often clog up the pores.

Overall a person with oily skin will never have a clear complexion due to the fact that the oil does attract dirt and dust. No matter how old you are, oily skin will still cause you to have breakouts and occasionally Acne. So what can you do to stop oily skin in its tracks?

Prevention Tips for Oily Skin

There are quite a few tips in order to keep your oily skin under control. With a little tender care you can help your skin to become oil free and to help it to look happy and healthy again!

Cleanse As Though Your Life Depended on it

Ok, so you may not have to take cleansing that seriously, but it is important that you cleanse every single day. Be sure to use plenty of hot water as that tends to have a drying effect, and also use soap too. Milder products are always better to sue, as harsher ones can often strip the skin of essential oil, and encourage dry, flaky skin which would completely reverse your situation. Although you are looking to get rid of the excess oil, you still need to keep some of the oil there to keep the skin moisturized.

If you do use a fairly harsh cleanser, it is always a good idea to follow up with a really light moisturizer, but generally it is better to opt for a mild cleanser.

Do Not Touch Unaffected Areas!

If you have oily skin in some places, but not in others, it is important to wash your hands straight after you have touched any oily parts of the skin. This is because, if you have oil on your hands and you touch your face for example, you are spreading the oil and the dirt to the face and now you are likely to develop a pimple there. It is extremely important to wash your hands after touching your oily skin; otherwise you will end up with a worse problem than you had before!

Overall, oily skin is frustrating but there are treatments out there. Just by following simple hygiene rules and cleansing regularly, you should find that the problem starts to disappear. As well as cleansers, some natural remedies may also help and you can find hundreds of recipes online if you take the time to search for them. Oily skin can cause a lot of complexion problems but you can defeat them if you try!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Know Your Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Skin cancer generally develops in the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, so a tumor is usually clearly visible. There are three major types of skin cancer � basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Basal cell carcinomas and most squamous cell carcinomas are slow growing and highly treatable, especially if found early. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It affects deeper layers of the skin and has the greatest potential to spread to other tissues in the body. Squamous cell carcinoma also can spread internally. It is estimated that over 1 million new cases occur annually. The annual rates of all forms of skin cancer are increasing each year, representing a growing public concern. It has also been estimated that nearly half of all Americans who live to age 65 will develop skin cancer at least once. They usually form on the head, face, neck, hands and arms. Another type of skin cancer, melanoma, is more dangerous but less common. For localized melanoma, the 5-year survival rate is 99%; survival rates for regional and distant stage diseases are 65% and 15%, respectively.

Skin cancer is an increasingly common condition. This is in part attributed to increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which in turn is thought to be caused by the increased popularity of sun tanning. Solar or actinic keratoses are rough, red or brown, scaly patches on the skin. They are usually found on areas exposed to the sun, and sometimes develop into squamous cell cancer. Moles are clusters of heavily pigmented skin cells, either flat or raised above the skin surface. While most pose no danger, some-particularly large moles present at birth, or those with mottled colors and poorly defined borders-may develop into malignant melanoma. Moles are frequently removed for cosmetic reasons, or because they're constantly irritated by clothing or jewelry. Skin cancer develops primarily on areas of sun-exposed skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and on the legs in women. There are varieties of treatments available, including surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, to treat skin cancer.

The goals of treatment for skin cancer are to remove all of the cancer, reduce the chance of recurrence, preserve healthy skin tissue, and minimize scarring after surgery. Treatment for skin cancer depends on the type and size of cancer, your age, and your overall health. Surgery is the most common form of treatment. It generally consists of an office or outpatient procedure to remove the lesion and check edges to make sure all the cancer was removed. Most skin cancer removal can be done using a local anesthetic. Excisional biopsy � The entire tumor along with a margin of tissue that is not a visible part of the tumor is removed. Incisional biopsy � A portion of the lesion is removed during an incisional biopsy, which is usually performed when the lesion is large. In cryosurgery, tissue is destroyed by freezing to -40 � C or below. Liquid nitrogen, the only cryogen effective in destroying malignant and premalignant skin tumors, is used. Radiation may destroy basal and squamous cell carcinomas if surgery isn't an option. Biological therapy-Interferon and interleukin-2 are under study to treat melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers.

Skin Cancer Treatment Tips

1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially between 10 a.m. And 2 p.m. and during the summer months.

2. Excisional skin surgery is a common treatment to remove skin cancer.

3. Mohs surgery (also called Mohs micrographic surgery) is often used for skin cancer. The area of the growth is numbed.

4. Electrodesiccation and curettage is often used to remove small basal cell skin cancers.

5. Cryosurgery is often used for people who are not able to have other types of surgery.

6. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

7. Use a high-factor sunscreen of at least SPF15 that filters out UVB and UVA and reapply it every two hours.

8. Wear protective clothing - a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and loose, tightly woven clothing

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Save Your Skin by Following These Tips

Many people think that beautiful skin is something that you're either born with or born without. To a certain extent that's true, because genes undeniably play a role in how well your skin looks. But many believe that the environment is just as if not more important to your skin's health than your heredity.

Here are some easy tips towards achieving great skin and protecting the skin that you already have.

1) Keep your skin clean. If your face or body is dirty, the skin's pores may become blocked - restricting its ability to rid itself of toxins. Many times, outbreaks on your skin such as acne or pimples is the direct result of your body's inability to detox itself.

So every night, before you go to bed, remove the dirt build up or makeup from your skin to let it breathe.

2) Exercise. Many people think that exercise is only good for body strengthening and skin toning. But it's also good for your skin. Exercise makes you sweat. Toxins leave your body through your sweat. The less toxins in your body, the healthier your body and your skin.

3) Drink water. You have to drink lots of water. Without water, your skin dries out and ages faster. Water also helps with elimination and helps prevent constipation - both of these things are good for the skin. It's hard to say exactly how much water someone needs a day, because it depends on so many factors such as body mass, physical exertion, weather, and so on. So you have to be your own guide.

4) Eat a balanced Diet. Diet is critical. Bad diet leads to poor digestion which leads to toxic build up in the body. In addition to water, your need to include lots of fiber in your diet to help cleanse your system. Avoid sugars and salt except in small quantities. The more garbage you put into your system, the more your body is going to have to work to get rid of it.

Other good foods to eat include green leafy vegetables and other vegetables and fruits that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to both retard cellular decay and to repair cell damage.

5) Avoid too much sun. Sunlight is good - it helps to provide vitamin D to your body's cells. But too much sun is bad for the skin. Staying in the sun too long without protection is a sure recipe for prematurely aging skin. Too much sun will dry out your skin. If you are in a profession that requires you be out in the sun for long periods, make sure you use sunscreen lotion, sun-blocking clothes, and drink plenty of water.

Following these rules will give you a good start towards improving and keeping the health of your skin.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Anti-Aging Cosmetic Skin Care Treatments � Reversing The Hands Of Time

These treatments are designed to pinpoint certain problem Many of us have tried to combat the aging process on our own using a topical anti-aging skin care product. However, today there are a wide variety of more evasive anti-aging cosmetic treatments available to assist in the anti-aging process. These treatments are designed to pinpoint certain problem areas on the skin. You can not become younger but you can appear younger by working with a dermatologist to choose the right anti-aging skin care treatment to fit your specific needs. In this article, we will discuss a few of the many anti-aging cosmetic treatments currently available in the market today.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels work to soften and remove wrinkles that are prematurely caused by exposure to the sun or just related to natural aging. The peels range in degree of treatment from a light peel to deep peel. A chemical treatment is applied to the skin which causes the skin to blister and then peel away over a range of a few days. A series of light peels are effective for skin with minimal sun damage accompanied by fine lines and wrinkles. A series of medium level peels are effective for age spots and or freckles. Lastly, deep peels are more effective in the reduction of superficial acne scares but are not recommended for very deep scaring. Many people choose peels as their anti-aging cosmetic treatment choice since this option can make any person look several years younger in just a few weeks.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

This anti-aging cosmetic treatment has advanced quickly over the last few decades. Today, lasers have a wide array of uses as a skin care treatment in the areas of sun damaged skin, improvement of wrinkles, removal of some skin cancers and even removal of tattoos, warts and unwanted hair. Laser skin resurfacing provides softer and healthier skin because as the name says it resurfaces the skin and smoothes not only wrinkles, but blemishes and scars as well. As a relatively new technology, it is a technique that is less abrasive than other types of cosmetic skin care treatments. This provides immediate and noticeable results, particularly to wrinkles that are moderate to fine in severity. The after effects and recovery times associated with this anti-aging cosmetic treatment varies depending on the laser technique used.

Surgical Procedures

In some cases, the anti-aging cosmetic treatments described above can not be completed to a person's satisfaction and a more evasive surgical procedure must be performed. The aging process along with gravity has caused sagging in a number of areas around the face. The surgical procedures used to correct this sagging effect are commonly referred to as "lifts". Some examples are a neck and chin lift which works to tighten the skin of the neck and moves upward behind the ears of the individual. This is great for eliminating loose and wrinkled skin in the chin area. Typically, the eyelids show the most definitive signs of aging. Therefore, the eye lift it is one of the most used anti-aging cosmetic treatments available. This treatment results in brighter and refreshed eyes. Another common example is a forehead lift which normally occurs at the same time when an individual is receiving a face lift. This can eliminate low brows and deep frown lines.

Anti-aging cosmetic skin care treatments have been quite popular in the modern world. However, they typically come at a high price. Unless, you're willing to pay in the high dollar range, you may want to consider a more topical and natural anti-aging skin care product. The field of anti-aging cosmetic treatments is constantly expanding with new advancements always on the horizon. However, the best advice is to start your anti-aging skin care program early and continue it throughout your life.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Deep Cleansing For More Beautiful Breast Skin

Want more radiant and soft breasts? You need to remove dead skin cells, deeply cleanses and hydrates your breast skin, in order to promote healthier, younger looking skin.

Just take taking care of your face to look young and radiant, your breast skin needs the same tender loving care too. With the right products use, it should leaves your breast skin soft, supple, resilient, and appearing years younger.

Removes dead skin cell is the 1st step. Next you need to do deep cleansing in order to promote cell growth.

For all those of you wondering will any bath foam/soap will do the job of cleansing your delicate breast skin...the answer is a NO!

Special Formula for Breasts skin cleansing not only remove excess natural skin oils, bacteria, it also helps your skin to breathe and attain the correct nourishment when followed by toning and moisturizing. Gentle but thorough cleansing of breast is neede to attain beautiful and smooth breast skin.

Look for product that rapidly exfoliates and resurfaces skin, deep cleanse to promote new cell growth, improve circulation and clarity for your breast skin with its deep cleansing action, while naturally rich nutrients and Pueraria Mirifica extracts pamper and enhance your breasts. This will give your breasts the healthy glow.

One point to take note when selecting breast enhancement products: Always uses breast enhancement products that contains Pueraria Mirifica. Reason being it is the herb that contains the highest level of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens stimulates your breast development, and enhance your breasts.

What Makes Pueraria Mirifica The Best Phytoestrogen?

"Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol " is very different from other phytoestrogen, as it posses highest estrogenic activity among the known phyto-estrogens due to structural similarity to estradial, (Estradiol is the main human estrogen which can be found in all women who are at the stage of nursing baby (Lactating); as you may notice that all women who are in this stage, their breast will enlarge and gain firmness for feeding purpose.

Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol Can Only Be Found In Pueraria Mirifica! But not every Pueraria Mirifica are created equal, they varies from species to species and the growing conditions. There are more than 13 species of Pueraria Mirifica and most of them are called "Pueraria Mirifica" or "Kwao Krua Kao" but this doesn't mean that they are the same, they may look same in the appearance but they produce different results.

The only way to differentiate their difference is to measure the amount of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol contain inside the roots of Pueraria Mirifica. An elaborate and expensive test need to be carry out in specialized laboratory to certify the actual amount of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol found in any specific type of Pueraria Mirifica.

The above information is found in Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start". It describes and details the most important breast enhancement techniques from every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each breast enhancement techniques, in addition to practical information such as how and where to get it, cost involved and more. The ebook version of the book is now available for 56 days review at:

If you would like to get a free Sample of ANBES Breast Enhance Accelerator set that remove dead cells, deep cleanse, and hydrates your breast can visit

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Skin Moisturizing Tips

Moisturising is essential to make your skin soft, smooth and glowing. Like our body, our skin also needs hydration and proper nutrients to keep it healthy. So, treat it with a good moisturizer. Your skin needs more moisturiser if it is feeling tight. But remember not to overmoisturize as it can cause pore-clogging. Regular use of a moisturizer can help prevent the dry skin that is common in winter. It provides longer wear for make up. It also helps in the the application of foundation which spreads more easily if applied over the moisturizer, making foundation blend smoothly with the skin. When moisturizing dehydrated skin it is best to use a rich face lotion that will nourish the skin. Always be sure to use a moisturizer that is free of mineral oils. Mineral oils can cause the skins elasticity to weaken, eventually causing wrinkles.

A moisturizer should be applied after cleansing and toning. The majority of moisturizers are emulsions of oil and water. The oil in water moisturizers have a higher water content and are lighter and less heavy; these are good for use during the day when makeup will be applied over it, or for women with oily skin. Don't apply it heavily, as only a light film is needed, and don't apply moisturizer around the eye area as it can cause the delicate skin in this area to retain fluid and become puffy. Always wait a few minutes after applying moisturizer before putting on your makeup; this allows time for it to dry and form a smooth base for your foundation.

Uses of Moisturizer For many Skin types:

1. Moisturizer for Oily Skin: You need an oil-free, water-based moisturizer.

2. Moisturizer for Dry Skin: Choose a thicker, oil-based moisturizer.

3. Moisturizer for Combination Skin - Use a light, hydrating formula twice a day.

4. Always choose a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer for use on sensitive skin.

Skin Moisturizing Tips For Dry Skin

A few immediate techniques to help moisturize Dry skin:

1. Apply a body moisturizing cream twice daily during the fall and winter to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

2. As estrogens decrease with the onset of menopause, a decrease in sebum results, leading to drier skin.

3. Switch to your cream based skin rejuvenation products if you have dry skin.

4. Using a 1% OTC hydrocortisone ointment on your lips when they start to crack during the winter will speed the healing process.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Vitamins for your Skin

Everything we eat and drink, or for that matter, some things that we do not eat or drink, have an effect on our skin. Dry skin, acne, psoriasis, and skin eruptions are just a few of the problems that can be helped with vitamins. Vitamins A, C, D, and E are especially important and are often prescribed for dull, lifeless skin. Vitamin A is often prescribed as a very effective treatment for acne. Even today, some people find that over-the-counter and prescription concoctions too harsh and drying for the face. These same people can safely consume a daily dose of vitamin A and their acne will greatly diminish. Selenium is a mineral found in cereals, nuts and eggs. Dietary intake of selenium prevents cancer in laboratory animals. It also shows signs of enhancing the performance of chemotherapy and slowing down the aging process. In terms of sun damage, daily doses of selenium have demonstrated an ability to ease the burning effect of the sun's radiation.

Vitamins are safe, cheap and highly effective. There are 8 different forms of Vitamin E - the synthetic form is only half as powerful as the natural version. It is an incredibly important vitamin for your body health and should therefore be taken in proper doses daily. Vitamin is necessary for proper skin balance. Too little of it causes the face to be oily. Biotin is sometimes prescribed when skin is dull and the pallor is gray. Most people get enough biotin without even trying. It's found in many foods including bananas, eggs, oatmeal, and rice, plus your body also makes some biotin on its own. Most vitamins are water-soluble and are quickly eliminated from the body. It is safe to consume varying quantities of these vitamins. Other vitamins are fat-soluble. That means that they are stored in the body and can build up over time. Mega-doses of these vitamins should be avoided.

Vitamins that Help Skin:

1. Vitamin A.

2. Vitamin C.

3. Vitamin D.

4. Vitamin E.

5. Niacin.

6. Biotin.

7. Vitamin K.

Skin Conditions that respond well to Vitamins:

1. Dry skin.

2. Acne.

3. Psoriasis.

4. Skin eruptions.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Three Bad Habits That We Should Not Do for Our Skin

Knowing how important our skin is, we should do something great for it. Perhaps starting a healthy habit is the most primary move to take as this helps our valued possession from outer and inner sources. Note that it's the only skin we have, so it's worth protecting

Is your skin as soft and healthy as you'd like? You may be sabotaging it without even knowing. So here are three of the habits that you must break as they wreak havoc on your skin. Note them in order to attain a beautiful and healthy skin.

Bad Habit 1: Shaving Dry

It is important to note that shaving legs and underarms dry can cause irritation, ingrown hairs and razor burn. So, to nurture the skin, softening it in the shower for about 10 minutes is worth considering. Most experts even recommend this stuff for those who wish to attain good looking skin. After doing it, you must apply a layer of shaving cream and not soap, which will just dull the razor and invite cuts. You must shave in long strokes. And, slather on body lotion post-shower.

Bad Habit 2: Ignoring Incidental Sun Exposure

It is true that walking from your car or wherever you may be to the office under the sun may not be as damaging as spending hours baking on the beach. However, it is important to note that even just a few minutes of exposure here and there doesn't mean that you won't get wrinkles. It does bring on wrinkles just the same. For that, you should try wearing a daily SPF lotion specially formulated for facial application. Many experts suggest brands of SPF lotion like the Clinique and Neutrogena as they have versions that really work well under makeup.

Bad Habit 3: Avoiding Exfoliation

It is often said that considering exfoliation of the skin brings out great results. Perhaps this is for the reason that if you just ignore exfoliation, dead skin cells will start to build up on the skin, causing itchiness and rashes, especially on the unpredictable or dry weather. So, it is often recommended that you scrub your skin daily with a puff, a loofah, or a grainy exfoliator to help sweep rough skin away. After scrubbing, apply moisturizer to lock in softness.

Now that you already know about the three bad habits to break, so if you want your skin to be on its behavior, you need to change your act now for the better skin on earth

Monday, November 6, 2006

Skin Care for Women

Beautiful skin often begins inside and radiates outward. All skin care is not created equally. Beautiful skin often begins inside and radiates outward. Women's skin care differs from that of children and men, and among women, skin care even differs at various stages of life. Poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle choices and stress all contribute to the overall poor health of the skin. Bad habits such as smoking and consuming high-fat, high-salt diets deprive the body of the important nutrients skin needs. Women have a tendency to retain water, causing skin to look and feel more bloated. To keep water retention under control, it's important for women to limit the amount of salt in their diets. Extra care should be taken to avoid further skin irritation, cuts or ingrown hairs. Drink at least the recommended eight cups a day and compensate for alcoholic and caffeinated beverages with more water. Exercise is also a good component to skin care.

Regular workouts keep the skin toned and make the feel good. Dry skin can be sunburned much more easily than skin that retains moisture. Moisturizing the skin on a regular basis can help to keep you from getting a sunburn. There are two effective methods to achieve this. Moisturizing towelettes can moisturize the skin, and are convienient and easy to use. Moisturizing the skin, and avoiding long term, repeated exposure to the sun are two of the best ways to protect the skin. A facial cleanser should be used in the morning and at night, especially to wash off cosmetics and a day's worth of grime. Dry skin tends to do better with non-soapy cleansers since soap can be even more drying. Oily skin often likes soap. Like moisturizers, there are dozens of cleansers to choose from.

Skin Care Women Tips

1. Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face.

2. Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturiser for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes.

3. Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face.

4. Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it.

5. Carrot juice applied daily fades blemishes.

6. Mix half teaspoon dried curry leaf powder with multani mitti (fullers earth) and apply on the face.

7. Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes.

8. Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face.

9. Add two teaspoon of tomato juice with 4 teaspoon of curd and apply on the face.

10. Add a pinch of yeast with 2 teaspoon of cabbage juice and apply.

11. Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.

12. Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used

13. Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots.

14. Apply the mixture of honey, basin, cream of milk and olive oil as a face pack.

15. Apply the paste of fenugreek with milk on the face and let it dry. Wash off with luke warm water.

16. Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face.

17. Crush garlic and take the juice and apply it on the face daily to reduce pimples

18. Apply a mixture of turmeric and neem on the face.

19. A mixture of crushed mint leaves and oats will reduce pimples. Leave this for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water.

20. Make a paste with sandal wood and turmeric and apply it on the face.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Prevent Aging Skin From Starting

Aging skin is something we all either have or will have. Other signs of aging skin are the appearance of dark spots due to sudden dryness of skin and loss of oil content of the skin on the face. Aging skin is probably the only skin condition that neither of us can avoid. As many people are aware, what goes inside will show on the outside. One of the best ways from preventing your skin from aging is to eat healthy foods and watch your diet and keep hydrated with lots of water, do not get sun burns and make sure you use sun block. As many people are aware, what goes inside will show on the outside. The appearance of aging skin is an inevitable symptom of modern living.

The ability to renew cells is built into your body, and the body itself is capable of making you look more attractive. The skin cells on your body will reproduce themselves, when the older skin dies off newer skin cells will replace them. Eventually you will need to exfoliate your skin, the reason for this is that the dead cells will accumulate and you will need to remove them. Only after the dead skin cells are removed, that any cream make-up can be applied. The radiation from the sun is UV-B radiation, this radiation is partially filtered by the ozone, the radiation will penetrates the skin and cause damage.

Sun damage is accumulated a little each time there is an exposure to the burning rays of the sun. The damage is not immediately noticeable. Your skin starts to age from the time you were born. As sun damage is primary cause of skin aging, it is never too early to start protecting your skin from the burning rays of the sun. Exposure to sun must be avoided for some time and protection must be taken from sun till the new skin forms and all the side effects disappear. Most of skin damage is done in the early years and people do not see the results of this until they are in their forties and fifties. Healing and/or reversing the effects of skin damage must go deeper than that if one is to achieve more effective results.

There are so many different types of anti aging products on the market today, there are creams, artificial creams, natural creams and herbal creams. For those consumers looking to invest in anti aging skin products, it is important to bear in mind that no two anti aging skin products are alike. A lot of anti-aging products are botanically based. If you get blemishes on your skin you might need to get more aggressive to get rid of them. Most, if not all, of the over-the-counter products are topical in nature, meaning it only affects the epidermis or the outer layer of the skin. When it comes to matters of the face, this area of skin is considered the most visible. If you have problems acne or any other type of skin problem, organic products are natural and can treat and correct the problems without chemicals that might be harsh in other ways. Scientists have said it is better to get your nutrients and vitamins from the food you eat, but if you are not a multivitamin is always a good idea.

Eating healthy and eating the right foods is a natural way in helping the anti aging process. These foods can be broken down into two basic categories. If you're eating food with low calcium then you are taking away from your natural calcium resource and not giving it back. Calcium is in a lot of foods, and finding the types of foods isn't hard. Opt for foods not supplements. Beta carotene-rich foods are one of the top sources of key nutrients promising anti-aging. Most of our aging takes place due to our eating habits. Fast foods are convenient but not very good for you. Most of our aging takes place due to our eating habits. Another aspect of the functional foods industry that often goes unmentioned is the fact that health foods are much more effective if used over time.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Finding The Right Acne Skin Care Products

There are millions of people all across the worlds that are suffering from some severity of acne and wonder about what acne products might help them. While acne will not really cause you any serious health issues, it does however cause problems such reducing a person self-confidence and depression due to poor self-esteem. Here are some great reasons that using products made for fighting acne can be quite helpful.

First by using acne products, you will be helping your skin look much better. There are products for fighting acne that you can make yourself to items that you can purchase at your local drug store all the way to acne products that you need a prescription for to be able to use. Once you are able to develop a skin care that includes acne-fighting ingredients you will begin to see the improvements in no time at all.

Using products meant for fighting acne can really boost your self-esteem. Using the right acne fighting skin care products will make you skin look great. This is sure to cause other people (not to mention you) to see you in an entirely different light.

It will save you money if you put the research in to locating the right acne fighting facial care products. It will also save you time, too many people have wasted countless hours and money trying to find a miracle cure to their skin problems only to usually find something that might work well for a while but then the same problems will usually return.

If you are unsure about what the right acne fighting products that you should be using then it would be a wise idea to consult with your doctor. Seeing a dermatologist is a great idea if you have severe acne issues as they would not only be able to prescribe acne products for you to use but additionally be able to suggest things like changes in diet that would help clear up your skin.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Start Taking Nutritional Supplements for Natural Skin Glow

Healthy glowing skin is one of the most cherished dreams of all of us. Our skin is the reflection of our health and vitality, physical, mental and emotional wellness. A radiant and glowing skin indicates good health, positive attitude and vibrates self confidence.

Natural skin care is not just about using skin products but also an ongoing process of a result of a healthy life-style and right diet that includes vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

But due to busy lifestyle sometimes we are unable to take proper care of our meal plan. This may lead to vitamin deficiency. So instead of trying some beauty cosmetic first we must check the diet that whether it's enough to provide our basic need of nutrients. If the answer is no then we must go for some nutritional supplements to fill that nutrition gap.

Nutritional supplements will not only provide us with radiant skin glow but also have several health benefits. Also the foundation for good health is a lifestyle that includes a sensible diet with nutritional supplements, sufficient quality sleep, exercises and weight management. Taking high-quality, anti-aging advanced nutritional supplements helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have.

Taking Calcium and Vitamin D supplements can help our bones to stay healthy and strong, and even help prevent osteoporosis in women. Antioxidant nutritional supplements can help us against heart disease, lower the risk of cancer, and help to protect eyes, lungs, and the brain. Fruits and vegetables are very high in antioxidants, so we should make sure that we eat them whenever possible. However most of the time we do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, so taking antioxidants in the form of nutritional supplements is a viable alternative.

However, nutritional supplements should never be used as a substitute for a good diet. Eating at least three well-balanced meals and two well-balanced snacks per day is still the best way to be sure we're getting all the vitamins and minerals our body needs to stay fit and healthy.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright � Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Eczema Diet � The Top 3 Superfoods for Healthy Skin

Most dermatologists use conventional methods for the treatment of eczema and believe me I've used them all. They prescribe topical treatments such as salves or ointments; or prescriptions intended to suppress most eczema symptoms. Unfortunately, these specialists seldom prescribe an Eczema Diet.

An Eczema Diet is a diet which comprises natural Superfoods which are very effective at treating eczema and in some cases curing the skin complaint completely. And it's not that hard to create an Eczema Diet yourself, a diet that will dramatically transform your skin rash and produce new, healthy skin cells.

Superfoods are very powerful and are jam-packed with potent nutrients and enzymes needed for ultra health and the well-being of your skin. These Superfoods will work deep at rejuvenating every cell in your body and gently but speedily begin the healing process. These Superfoods are living foods and feed the body with much needed nutrients, the absent of which more than likely caused the skin complaint in the first place.

Superfoods strengthen blood, nourish organs and revitalise tired cells. Superfoods tend to be high in fluid and rich in fibre and will detoxify the whole system. And no, they are not difficult to find. Superfoods can be easily purchased in any good supermarket or health store.

Now, in creating your Eczema Diet - the top 3 Superfoods for Healthy Skin to include are foods that are rich in the following nutrients:

- Selemium;
- Omega 3 and Omega 6;
- Antioxidants.

Your Eczema Diet should contain foods rich in Selenium as Selenium is needed for the health of the immune system. The immune system is responsible for the body's resistance to many skin disorders. Your body needs adequate supplies of Selenium in order to resist disease. Foods rich in this nutrient are plentiful. Good sources of Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts, Brewer's yeast, wheat germ, dairy products, tuna, vegetables, seafood, and brown rice. Eat combinations of these foods two or three times per week.

Your Eczema Diet should contain foods rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6. These cannot be created by the body and so must be taken in your food. Omegas maintain cell membrane and transport fats in the body. Fatty acids in oils help reduce inflammation and ease eczema. The Omegas create smoother skin and enhance muscle action. Flaxseed Oil is rich in both Omega 3 and Omega 6. Another reliable source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 is fish. The more popular fish include mackerel, salmon, trout, herring, and tuna. Three portion each week is recommended.

Your Eczema Diet should contain foods rich in antioxidants as this helps repair damaged skin by disarming free radicals. Free radicals are produced in the body on a regular basis but their production is alarmingly increased with the consumption of processed foods. As free radicals are implicated in the deterioration of skin cells, minimizing and defusing their activity with antioxidants will enable the skin to become stronger and healthier and certainly look and feel smoother. Good sources of antioxidants are fresh fruits and fresh vegetables � organic or course is best.

Creating Your Eczema Diet does not have to be complicated. The above is a simple guide and should ease you gently into thinking about the foods you eat with regard to your eczema. After you have experimented with these you can expand your list of Superfoods � there are quite a few of them out there. It is just a question of choosing the ones that have the maximum effect on your skin.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Treatments of Eczema � How to Create Beautiful Skin Using Three Vital Superfoods

The nutrient basics needed for healthy skin are the same for everyone. Some sufferers need more of one particular nutrient than another. But if you experiment with these common Superfoods (so-called because they are so powerful at healing eczema), you will soon be able to create your own Superfood list and totally eliminate your eczema forever with unrelenting use.

The following are three of the most powerful skin Superfoods currently available and they will dramatically improve the health, look and feel of your skin:

Treatments of Eczema # 1: SPROUTS: Sprouts are full to bursting with enzymes, anti-oxidants, anti-aging and vitamins. Sprouts are raw live foods which are renowned for their life-enhancing, high-energy powers. These little gold nuggets are alkaline producing and will revitalise, strengthen and regenerate your eczematous skin.

Sprouts come in many forms and are little seedlings, nuts or grains that have been grown into sprouts. Examples of seeds include mustard, pumpkin, sunflower, seasame and buckwheat seeds.

Examples of grains include millet, rye, rice, oats, barley and kamut.

Nuts examples include almonds, cashew, hazelnut, brazil and walnuts.

And finally, pulses examples include lentils, adzuki beans, kidney beans, blackeye peas and mung beans. Sprouts are very easy to germinate and can be grown in a yoghurt cup and placed in a dark, warm cupboard, or, can be purchased at any good health store.

Treatments of Eczema # 2: ALOE VERA: This magic plant is a great healer and strengthener and is especially rich in plant sterols and amino acids. The Aloe Vera plant will repair damaged tissues and reduce inflammation - a common complaint with eczema. Aloe vera can be used both internally and externally. When applied to the skin the bradykininase in Aloe diminishes inflammation and reduces pain. The Aloe is also an excellent healer of skin. It moisturises and heals at an accelerated rate.

Treatments of Eczema # 3: GREEN BARLEY GRASS: Is the only food on earth that can nourish you from birth to old age. Green Barley Grass contains Chlorophyll, the pigment which gives it its colour. Chlorophyll is a great detoxifier, deodoriser and wound healer. It mimics the haemoglobal in our blood and is therefore great for eczema skin.

The above three treatments of Eczema Superfoods are great medicines for problem skin. By introducing these Superfoods in your daily diet, you can create dramatic changes in your condition. Any one of the above Superfoods can be a cure for eczema. It's just a question of experimenting with each food individually and adopting the ones that make a dramatic effect.