Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to Care for your Skin the Natural Way

Natural skin care is a way to care for your skin without the use of synthetic chemicals in skin care products. Proper hygiene and self-discipline are the biggest factors in natural skin care. A daily routine is the best way to get great looking skin. Taking care of your body is the same as natural skin care.

Methods of Natural Skin Care

Drinking eight or more glasses of water is a good way to naturally care for your skin. The most important need of your body is water since it helps the skin keep its moisture content. Water also helps functions throughout the body and assists in the removal of toxins.

Making sure everything is clean is always important including bathing everyday and having clean clothes and bedding. Germs can't enter your pores if you have clean skin, which reduces your risk of skin problems.

There are many important benefits that come from exercise. In addition to toning your body, exercise can help increase your bloods circulation, which in turn flushes the toxins out of your body. Fatigue and stress is reduced with exercise, which not only improves the health of your skin but also your body's entire health.

Oily foods can cause acne so it is important to keep a balanced diet. All the nutrients needed to keep up your body's functions should be included in a balanced diet. A proper supply of nutrients that get rid of free radicals can be found in fruits and vegetables.

Skin sagging and aging can be reduced through proper sleep when can help your body relax after a stressful day. If possible you should get your sleep at the same time everyday.

Not only does stress damage your skin but it also does damage to your entire body. One of the most popular ways of alleviating stress is to take up yoga. You cannot only relax the body but also the mind through meditation. To fight stress you can also engage in relaxing activities periodically such as playing a favorite sport, listening to music, spending quality time with family and doing any activity that you might find relaxing.

Make sure you like your sun exposure. When you go out it is a good idea to bring an umbrella. Wearing hats and clothing with long sleeves is another good option.

Natural skin care methods aren't very hard to do. An added benefit to natural skin care is it isn't very expensive. Most natural skin care is already a part of your daily activity. Just pay attention to your daily activities and make sure you do them properly. Not only will you benefit your skin with these methods but you will also benefit your entire body.

There are also skin care products that are natural. Today the market has several natural skin care products available. Two of the most popular natural ingredients are aloe vera and lavender oils. Natural ingredients don't have bad effects compared to the chemical products on the market today.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Skin Care Tips: All You Need To Know About Skin Cleansers

Skin cleansers are maybe one of the most basic beauty essentials in your arsenal when it comes to your skincare regimen which are available in most general health departments.

Whether you are a guy or girl, young or old, a cleanser can do wonders for your skin or at the very least resolve a host of issues down the line.

You should be a discerning consumer when it comes to selecting your cleanser- for instance you might not want to use animal based products or the things that might contain chemicals or any product that you look at comes from an unknown source and not from a fly-by-night snakes oil salesman

Cleansers come in a variety of different sizes, prices, and combinations and make be made up of various different ingredients. Skin cleansers could also make your skin feel a lot more smoother and looking healthier and more young towards others.

Some popular elements of skin cleansers include aloe vera and chamomile which is suitable for sensitive skin types. you might need a sturdier cleansing formula if you face a lot of grease and grime on your skin on a regular basis perhaps due to the nature of your work.

Certain brands may only remove light soils or mild environmental particles such as dust and sweat.

Germs that you're looking to disinfect; you should evaluate the label to see that it does indeed remove germ as well as clean any other to exfoliate the skin.

Another essential thing that you want to consider is cleansers produced for use on various parts of the bodies, for instance there are hand cleansers that are marketed and sold separately from facial cleansers as well as other bodily cleansing products.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Alternative Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Alternative Treatment Options for Skin Cancer If you someday become diagnosed with skin cancer and survive, one of the most worrisome issues you will face will be preventing a recurrence of the cancer. After successful treatment, your doctor will continue to schedule regular follow-up appointments to ensure that you remain skin cancer-free. Even regular medical attention is no substitute for exercising good skin care habits. First, make sure to avoid any kind of prolonged exposure to the sun. This means that you should avoid the prime daylight hours of ten in the morning to two in the afternoon. If you must be out, always wear an appropriate sun block, and avoid direct exposure to the sun by wearing long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and light colors that help reflect the sun away from your body. Most importantly, to prevent a recurrence of skin cancer, you must conduct regular self-examinations, and consult your doctor immediately if you note any discolorations or suspicious moles or lesions.But, that is not always enough and sometimes the unthinkable happens. So, if you are diagnosed with skin cancer you should know what your alternatives are. The most important objective in skin cancer treatment is to eliminate the growth and then contain the spread of the cancer. There are many alternatives that will be used depending on what the diagnosis is. � Kaposi's sarcoma is very serious and must be treated by the use of chemotherapy. � Melanoma, if it has spread, which is one of the dangers of this type of skin cancer, will be treated the same way once the initial growth has been removed. � If Paget's disease is the type of skin cancer that must be treated then a mastectomy is likely the only alternative. Nutrition What about other alternatives to ensure that there will not be a reoccurrence? Some people believe, and studies have shown some evidence to collaborate this belief, that if you use other treatments alongside the standard medical procedures there are potentially better outcomes. Nutrition is believed to be a big factor in recovery. Research shows that using proteins, antioxidants and folic acid that are found in a variety of foods, including fish, carrots and broccoli, a person is able to potentially protect their body from further damage by the cancer cells. Vitamin C is also thought to be a very useful fighter when is comes to skin cancer and its potential spread.Green Tea Some people faced with the worries of skin cancer choose to get the advice of health care providers who practice medicine differently like naturopathic doctors. Often their advice is on what herbs can be used to treat the cancer. They' tell you that green tea is believed by many to be a healthy drink because it contains polyphenois compounds. These are very storing antioxidants. There is research to support this and studies have shown that polyphenois may not only prevent skin cancer but may play an important role in the treatment of diminishing skin growths. Some treatments suggest unusual action be taken like coffee enemas several times daily or castor oil intake, or restricting calories while eating lots of fruit and vegetables. Other studies have shown that a certain enzyme that is found in a variety of foods; including, but not limited to broccoli, cauliflower, celery and cabbage are very beneficial. The enzyme those vegetables contain is called indoles. Indoles and lectins, found in beans, are a powerful combination against cancer growth. Although still in the experimental stages of research, with the high success rates of their experiments there is good reason to hope that eating foods high in these enzymes will be helpful in the fight against cancer. Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action. If you still have unanswered questions about skin cancer, you may find what you're looking for in our website:

Monday, August 28, 2006

Anti-Aging Skin Care Ideas

It's a natural part of life and we all have to deal with the fact that, just like our bodies, our skin is aging every day. In an effort to combat these signs, many people turn toward an anti-aging skin care program that is specifically designed to help minimize fine lines and wrinkles and provide a smooth and even tone.

There are a number of over-the-counter anti-aging skin care products, but a more aggressive approach to combating the signs of aging may be available by prescription from a dermatologist. At the very least, a recommendation can be given as to the most effective anti-aging skin care products to use in each individual situation.

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing an anti-aging skin care regimen. Among them, the time that it takes for a product to show results, potential side effects and the reputation of the company. Some of the most popular anti-aging skin care products are those manufactured by Oil Of Olay, which is commonly found at most retail and specialty beauty store.

Aside from products that can be used to combat the signs of aging, there are several ways that an individual can begin an effective anti-aging skin care regimen even before the visible signs appear. One such way is to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, which can cause premature aging. In addition, individuals concerned with anti-aging skin care should completely avoid tanning beds, which some believe are even more harmful than the sun. Rather than soaking up the dangerous rays from the sun or a tanning bed, self-tanning lotions are recommended for a healthy glow that doesn't reek havoc on your skin.

Anti-aging skin care products are primarily designed for use on the face and neck, but some are also produced for the purpose of minimizing age spots on the hands. Before you begin to apply any type of anti-aging skin care cream, place a small portion of the creme on a test area before moving forward with the application. This will allow you to make sure that the skin will not have a negative reaction to the product, which is rare but possible with any type of skin product. After several minutes, or according to the manufacturer's instructions, continue to apply the anti-aging skin care creme to the rest of the area once you are certain that a negative reaction will not occur. This process should not only be performed when you first begin using a product, but also every time that you use it or when you purchase a new supply. The reason is because the skin may not react negatively on one occasion, but may have a very different reaction the next time you use the product.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes. It should not be considered as, or used in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding anti-aging skin care. Consult your dermatologist prior to beginning any anti-aging skin care regimen or if you have been diagnosed with any disorder involving the skin.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Natural Treatment for Serious Skin Care

Believe it or not, your skin is the biggest organ of the human body. The principle purpose of your skin is to protect your body from foreign agents. The skin is the first line of defense against disease and infection. It is also the skin that gives us protection against the sun, and this is why skin care is so important!

However, it is also the skin that first betrays the effects of aging. Skin ailments such as psoriasis or dermatitis can be irritating and make our lives miserable. While we never needed things like wrinkle creams or moisturizers when we were younger and our skin more resilient, the fact is that some degree of skin care is inevitable as we age.

But skin care treatment is also necessary because of factors unrelated to our aging skin. Dry skin is caused by a number of conditions and therefore its treatment options will depend on the actual cause. Here are some causes of dry skin:

Medication Side Effects

As a society, we have increasingly become dependent on medication for things like high blood pressure, tension headaches, and even depression. Skin care treatment for dryness may very well be necessary due to some side effect of your medication for a completely unrelated condition. For this reason, you always want to monitor any potential skin irritation immediately after starting any new medication. If you already have dry skin and can't remember whether or not it was a problem before starting your medication, you may need to consult with your physician and discuss an alternative medication in order to rule out side effects as the cause of your dry skin.

Poor Nutrition

Skin care problems are often the result of poor nutrition. Our bodies require a delicate balance of nutrients in order to keep everything functioning properly, especially the skin. Vegetarians and vegans often run into dry skin issues as a result of not consuming enough animal fats in their diet. A vitamin B12 deficiency will cause your oil glands (sebaceous glands) to function improperly, generally leading to acne.

Basically, any attempt to address a skin care issue (be it oily, dry, or even itchy skin) should begin with a close look at diet. Dermatologists can best assess potential diet-related skin care problems and recommend corrective measures to naturally restore skin vitality. However, here are some foods to avoid where possible in order to keep your skin as healthy as possible:

� fried foods (chicken, French fries)
� processed sugars
� caffeine, coffee, tea, soft drinks
� high fat dairy products like milk or cheese (consuming low fat varieties of milk and cheese may not be great, but they are better for your skin!)

Now the best thing that you can ingest for improved skin care is water. That's right, water. Water naturally removes toxins from your body�so the more you drink of it, the purer your body will be. Drinking lots of water is especially good for people with acne problems and it will also help reduce the onset of wrinkles.

Skin Care Problems Due to Sebaceous Gland Problems

If you have ever been to a dermatologist because of acne problems then you are probably very familiar with sebaceous glands. Because the skin needs to be lubricated, it is covered with oil secreting glands known as sebaceous glands. If these glands become clogged with dirt, then bacteria begin growing inside and a pimple is the result. However, sebaceous glands can either become clogged and dry skin is caused or they can produce too much and cause oily skin. More often than not, problems with the sebaceous glands are due to poor diet and can usually be corrected rather easily.

Skin Care Problems Due to Diabetes

Believe it or not, even diabetes can cause you serious skin care problems. A person with diabetes has trouble regulating the blood sugar levels. When there is an excess of blood sugar in the body, the excess must be absorbed. To do this, the body uses a lot more water than normal and that can lead to dry skin.

Skin Care Treatment for Dryness

While diet must always be part of any skin care treatment regimen, it is just a simple fact that our bodies will need more help as we age. For this reason, a moisturizer of some sort will ultimately be needed. To this end, it is HIGHLY recommended that you use a natural skin moisturizer.

Moisturizers using natural ingredients are far less likely to cause the irritating side effects mentioned earlier. Synthetic ingredients are often less expensive to use in moisturizers but they are not the best skin care option because the body is less receptive to them. Natural ingredients, on average, cause fewer side effects and are therefore better where skin moisturizers are concerned.

Skin Care for Wrinkles

Wrinkles are probably the biggest cause of all skin care treatments in the United States. As a person ages, the skin naturally becomes less elastic. As a result, fine lines begin to form on the face which ultimately become the wrinkles we hate so much. There are two main skin care strategies when it comes to wrinkles: affect the muscles that reveal the wrinkles or fill in the skin so the wrinkles are less noticeable. The first strategy involves Botox and the second Collagen injections.

Botox Skin Care

A person is actually having a strain of Botulism injected in their face when they opt for Botox skin care treatment. Botox actually interrupts the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles that reveal our wrinkles. It may sound radical, but these injections do actually reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face for a significant period of time. Now these injections can be costly and they must be repeated�but they are generally affective.

Collagen Injection Skin Care

Many people have a serious misperception about collagen injections. The perception is that collagen is a form of fat that is injected into your face to fill in the lines caused by wrinkles. Actually, collagen is an effective form of skin care treatment for wrinkles not because it is fat�but because it is protein. In fact, collagen is a special protein that helps cells and blood vessels connect to one another. When this happens, the wrinkles fade because the collagen helps the skin to "rebuild" in areas where wrinkles form and actually fill in the lines. Again, collagen treatments tend to work but they also are expensive and need to be repeated.

Natural Anti-Wrinkle Creams

A cheaper, but slower, alternative to expensive skin care treatments for wrinkles is a simple cream. Anti-wrinkle creams work to rebuild the skin texture and helps with the elasticity over time. However, unlike Collagen or Botox injections, anti-wrinkle cream skin care treatment is only applied to the skin surface. This is why it takes so much longer. Still, an anti-wrinkle cream is a cost-effective and non-invasive treatment for wrinkles that does work if given enough time. Again, in order to reduce possible side effects, stick with creams that use natural ingredients as they will react better with your skin.

For an all natural dry skin care product, try SkinSoSilky at today to help manage any of your anti aging, acne, or dry skin care needs.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Makeup For Dark Skin

Makeup is essential in women life. It is must for every woman. The breed of women is of many types like short, tall, slim, fat or extra slim. Skin color also varies like white, whitish, toned or black. The variety list may go long but one thing is common and that is every woman needs makeup. So the question arises, do all the woman needs same type of make or something else. While application of makeup is concerned, it widely varies according to skin color and body type. So what type of make suits to a given skin color is a definite requirement to know.

So come on black beauties and know how to do your makeup to be street smart and gorgeous. The secret of you black beauties lies in the selection of shades, so it is best advisable for you to know about undertone found in dark skin. You also will need well � hydrated skin to apply some makeup. Here goes the to make your skin beautiful and healthy.

Any black object is a good absorber of light and radiation and hence the good reflector also. Since your skin is dark it will also behave in the similar manner, that's why dark skin seems oily, even though it may not. Because of your skin color, you will need to avoid creamy foundations and choose from liquid foundations or water based foundation. You must choose the foundation, the shade of which is lighter than your skin tone. It would be better, if you will find the foundation color closer to the color of your skin. Apply foundation and powder lightly, because dark skin reveal the layers of makeup more than any other type of skin, say fair skin etc.

You should blend the foundation well. To do blending properly add a drop of water to the foundation. Do mixing and then apply. Check for the effect in daytime. After applying the foundation, try on a little baby powder. This will give your skin the necessary luster. Do not use too much powder and always dust of the extra powder.

Choose the colors like coral, rose, deep orange for your blush. Peachy shades and browns are a complete no � no for you. If you have extremely dark skin tone, rose pink color will make your day, however for nights, choose shades of bronze, plum and wine. To give luster to your skin tone, blend the blusher well over your cheekbones. A touch of golden color will make you dark skinned glamorous and gorgeous on special occasions. You can apply golden at your temples and corners of your eyebrows.

If you want to use eyeshades, prefer soft brown with a darker brick brown. Say no to light colors and whites. For upper eyelids, use light brown. In the tuck of eyelid, use dark brown and drag it slightly outward. This will give depth to your eyes.

If you want to try on more color, choose from dark blue, wine or purple eyeshades to line your eyes, closer to the eyelashes. You also can line the eyelids with dark blue, dark grey, wine or purple color. Do softening of the lines with a soggy brush or with a sponge tipped applicator. Outline the eyes with kaajal using kaajal pencil. Kaajal makes your eyes appealing and cool and this will extremely good on Asians and especially Indian women. You also can do Mascara to thicken the eyelashes. Mascara will give glamorous look to you.

For your lipstick choose colors like copper, bronze, dark red, wine and burgundy. You can use a single color or a blend of two colors according to your skin color. For nighttime use darker colors. Do not use lipstick in excess. It will be good, if your lip color will match to your nail colors. Try to maintain a balance between your eyes and lip color so that one does not look heavy on other.

Proper balance and color blending is important for color makeup. It is as equally important as your clothing.

So that if you are a dark skinned beauty, tries on your makeup as discussed above. After all �brown is beautiful'.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Eating Your Way to Clearer Skin

Most people are aware of the old adage "You are what you eat". There is nowhere that it shows more readily than in your skin tone. In fact, many skin problems from minor to major can be addressed simply by changing your diet! Everything from Acne to Edema can be improved and in some cases completely cured in a matter of months, weeks, or even days by eating a diet that contains plenty of the right foods.

Although fatty, greasy, and extremely salty foods can't be directly blamed for acne or other skin disorders, many foods that are deficient in nutrients or which contain significant undesirable substances (such as fat) can contribute to existing skin disorders or make your skin's condition ripe for such disorders to set in.

One of the simplest ways to improve your skin as well as endurance, stamina, and overall physical health, is by drinking lots of water. Eight or more glasses of filtered tap water or pure mineral water per day will help lead to smoother, younger-looking and firmer skin. In addition, enough water actually helps your skin look and feel firmer � since the human body needs water for everything that it does, proper hydration has remarkable effects for health and beauty.

A balanced diet including essential fatty acids from nuts, vegetable oils, and fish can help cure dry and flaky skin within a matter of weeks. Even if you have acne, you may not want to avoid these types of oils � some dermatologists claim that a tablespoon a day of high quality nut or fish oil can actually reduce the unwanted oil that aggravates acne.

Additional �miracle' foods for improving your skin and making you look years younger include soy, oatmeal or other coarse grains, and bright-colored fruits and vegetables. All of these foods are high in vitamins and minerals, and the bright colored fruits and vegetables are also rich in antioxidants which help prevent and repair damage to the entire body � so much so that these substances have become a staple of modern anti-aging clinical techniques.

Although none of these items are silver bullets to cure all skin disorders and this information is no substitute for the advice of a qualified dermatologist or other medical professional, a proper diet and adequate water intake will definitely help to improve your skin as well as promote better health in all areas of your life.

Alisha Burke loves getting facials. When she isn't dreaming about a trip to the spa, she writes for � an online resource dedicated to helping you care for your skin, with important information about Collagen Injections, Anti-Aging Products, Sunscreen and more.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Most Important Summer Skin Care Tip

Well summer time is here and everyone is looking to enjoy the weather, but that doesn't mean you should stop worrying about you skincare regimen. On the contrary, it's important to note the special summer skin care requirements in order to maintain the health of your skin under the summer heat and sun. It is well known that the sun can actually increase the rate at which wrinkles appear.

Let's not forget things like ultra violet rays and it's harmful effects on your skin such as skin disease. So here are a few tips to help you get things started without worrying too much about the administrative issues of skincare and other issues like that.

Before you run out and have a great time cruising down the highway- top down, rolling with your buddies flirting with the hot ladies, you want to make sure that you have plenty of sun tan lotion prepared for your little trip.

It may feel like a pain in the neck at first because after a long winter you just want to get your groove on and have a good time enjoying this fine weather with the smiling happy people.

However by taking this one precaution you will definitely be able to enjoy yourself much more without having to worry about whether you will get sun burnt or not. In case you haven't been sun burnt in the past- let's just say it's a very unfortunate and pretty much an uncomfortable situation to be in.

So here are a few tips to get your groove going without worrying too much about the administrative issues of skincare and others minor details like that.

Here is a list of some of the different "hotspots" where you will need to be wary of your skin when you're at those places. Hotspots meaning you're going to have to bring plenty of lotion for you and your buddies to prevent getting sun burn and getting adversely affected by UV rays. Some hotspots include your cousins pool party, the local public beach, or a barbecue in your own back yard.

Make sure to have a stash of tanning lotion just in case. There's a high chance, you will be using it on a daily basis during the summer time especially.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

8 Tips for a Healthy and shining Skin

Tip 1: Drink Water

Water has long been considered as the most efficient natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and nutritionists suggest that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed.

Tip 2: Watch Your Diet

Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be effective in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesn't. Whatever the result may be, the best advice is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.

Tip 3: Consider Exfoliants

Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So, try to invest in a good body exfoliant or "loofah", as it is commonly called, as it is capable of eliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once or twice a week so to free the skin to breathe. What's more, exfoliants help to put off ingrown hair from developing.

However, it is essential to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body.

Tip 4: Consider a Healthy Routine for Facial Care

When it comes to facial skin care, getting into a healthy beauty routine is not bad. Most of the doctors today greatly suggest that you cleanse, moisturize and tone your skin twice every day. When cleaning, never fail to remember cleaning the area on the neck, including your face. Apply a moisturizer or neck cream after.

Before going to bed at night, always bear in mind to remove all make up. Clean your skin before you sleep, no matter how tired you may feel. It was found out that during the night, the skin goes through a process of elimination and cannot breathe properly if it is clogged with make up. And, you may also find out that sleeping with your make up on will cause your skin to "break out" with spots on it.

When it comes to shaving for men, some men may experience shaving rashes. For many, these rashes lower their self-esteem, but this is actually not a big problem to think about. There are a lot ways to avoid rashes. Perhaps one of the best is to make sure that when shaving, the razor strokes are following the direction of hair growth. That's simply it!

Tip 5: Heal Your Feet

When it comes to skin care, the feet are often neglected. So, if care you found no time for a professional pedicure, try to fill a football or basin with warm water and add your favorite essential oil. Soak your feet for about fifteen minutes. Then, dry them and apply a rough skin remover onto them. Rinse this off and dry you feet well. And, if you consider pedicure, simply add some body cream to your feet for an easy and quick fix pedicure.

Tip 6: Avoid Too Much Exposure to the Sun

One of the most common precautions when it comes to skin care is avoiding too much exposure to the sun. As you may know, over exposure to sunlight causes sunburn. So, while current sun blocks only block out the UVB rays and still let in harmful UVA rays, it is still wise to cover up before venturing into the hands of Apollo. If possible, use a wide brimmed hat while tending your garden to keep the sun from your face.

Tip 7: Exercise

Aside from considering a healthy diet, exercising your body also helps keep your skin healthy. Note that a proper exercise does not only keep the body fit by regulating the oxygen; it also improves the glow of the skin as well.

Tip 8: Take Enough Rest

One common problem that face people is stress; the one which is not normal. It was found out that when a person is stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to the hormone testosterone in male and female, which in turn results in overactive sebaceous glands. These adrenal androgens are released causing a double amount of testosterone, causing the face to be oily, while other areas of the body are still dry from dehydration. So, taking proper rest that includes 6 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep daily is the best way to rejuvenate the skin.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Extra Firming Facial Mask Gentle Firms Refines And Tightens Skins

Squeeze an adequate amount of de-stress facial mask into palm of hand and smooth a generous, even layer over face and throat. Shave facial hair and put in dentures (if applicable) to ensure a good seal with the facemask. The 7600 Series full face mask has a wide face sealing flange that conforms to the facial contour without creating pressure points. Yes, the ComfortFull Full Face mask was designed and tested to work effectively on patients with various styles of facial hair. Squeeze an adequate amount of De-Stress facial mask into palm of hand and smooth a generous, even layer over face and throat. Each face mask is formed to perfectly fit onto each patient's head and unique facial shape.

Remember, it is important to cleanse your face thoroughly with a gentle liquid natural soap before applying any facial mask. Indulge in the coolest new facial mask on the market This two-piece pre-formed patch fits your unique face. The audience would not be able to see the actors' facial expressions behind the face masks. To prevent irritation, the facial skin should be washed with water after use of the face mask. to wash the facial skin with water after using the face mask to prevent irritation. The most common facial types are the half and full face masks. The use of a face mask at the end of a facial helps to balance the skin after the intensive treatment. How to apply facial masks:For applying facial mask, first rinse your face with warm water to open up the pores.

Make sure the facial mask has well covered the shadows or gloss areas where the skin filter will be applied. Make sure the facial mask has well covered the selected facial area where the skin filter will be applied. Use these facial scrubs and masks to naturally reveal your skin's freshest layer and prepare your skin for absorbing other healthy facial treatments. The soothing warmth of the facial mask ensures the infusion of vitamins and minerals into the deeper layers of the skin. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, embedded dirt and toxins, and stimulates the skin, making it receptive to the nutrient-rich facial mask that should follow. The facial includes cleansing, exfoliation, gel mask, hydrating fruit mask and special Essensa facial massage to relax, rehydrate and revitalize the skin.

We ask you to choose from the 4 different facial mask combinations which will suit your skin type. A facial mask consists of Aloe Vera, designed to put back what nature has taken out from your skin. This treatment includes skin analysis, aromatic compressing, gentle exfoliating cleansing, facial mask for re-balancing and neck and shoulder massage. The use of a loose-fitting mask will reduce efficiency of drug delivery and expose the facial skin to the drug. Adjusting the facial mask Usually for the best results you should edit the Facial Mask before you apply any skin filters. You should ensure the facial mask has well covered the selected facial area where the skin filter will be applied.

With increasing scientific studies on enzymes, usage broadens, including in the area of skin care products used as facial masks and cleansers. The facial mask benefits your skin through a complex mixture of ingredients.

The unique design and enhanced facial seal allows the NanoMask to overcome the most critical failing of typical N-95 masks. Although they slightly reduce the mask's life, an improved facial seal may very well be worth it. Another mask that works only with a specific headgear has inside the silicone seal a soft, foam-like type material with memory for facial contours. CONCLUSIONS: The use of water to seal facial mask during invasive non ventilation dealays the appearance of facial ulcers. demostrate that the use of water to seal facial mask for non invasive ventilation (NIV) reduces the incidence of facial pressure ulcers.

Facial Mask Natural Ways to Healthier Better Skin
Extra Firming Facial Mask gentle firms, refines, and tightens skins with Pueraria Mirifica Extract. With regular use, it helps skin maintain its natural balance of firmness and bettertoned skin. Twice a week treatment is recommended for optimum results in addition to daily maintenance. All Skin Type

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herb extracts.

Direction: Apply before bed time. Apply evenly to face and neck area.
Duration: Leave mask on for the whole night, or minimum of 1 hour.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Skin Care Products for your New Baby

As most of you know, a baby's skin is considerably more sensitive than the average adult. For that reason, it is vitally important that you use natural skin care products for your child. Many skin care products contain chemicals and fragrances that can irritate your new baby's skin. By knowing which products to avoid, and which products you should use, you can ensure that your little one grows up with healthy beautiful skin.

Weleda Diaper Care Cream is by far one of the best products we have found to date. Weleda was established back in 1921 by physicians and pharmacists under the guidance of Dr. Rudolf Steiner. The main ingredients in their diaper care cream are almond oil, calendula flower, chamomile flower, lanolin, and lavender oil. These ingredients are contained in a base of zinc oxide. This product provides highly effective treatment for painful diaper rash. It is truly one-of-a-kind.

Lavera Baby Toothpaste is yet another excellent product, with absolutely no harmful ingredients. It contains no fluoride, phosphate, or sugar. It is made with all natural silica, which is very effective at cleaning your baby's new teeth. This toothpaste is also ideal for helping your growing child with learning to brush his or her own teeth, as it is safe to swallow. This product is also certified organic.

Dr. Hauschka's Sunscreen Spray for Children is an incredible product. It has an SPF of 20, and is ideal for day-to-day use. The wonderful thing about this sunscreen is that it is colored, and allows one to see exactly where it has been applied. It has a pure and natural composition, and is safe for use on all skin types. It is also water resistant, so parents can relax knowing their children have the best sun protection on the beach or in the water. Furthermore, the plant-based nutrients moisturize your little one's skin while the sun dries it out.

Lavera Baby Shampoo will transform bath time with your baby into an oasis of fun. As with other products from this excellent company, Lavera Baby Shampoo is comprised of all natural ingredients such as organic almond and wheat extract. This tear-free shampoo is perfect for your baby's sensitive skin, as it helps to maintain the natural moisture balance of your baby's skin. This gentle, mild-foaming shampoo is perfect for children and adults alike.

Regardless of the products you have chosen to use with your children, it cannot hurt to learn more about the other products that are available on the market. While many companies advertise their products as natural, most of them cannot be considered truly natural. The products mentioned above are just a few of the excellent products we have discovered and had the pleasure to use. We hope you check them out for yourself.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Learn How to Shower To Keep Your Skin Healthy

Everyday you wash, shave, shampoo, clip your nails, wash, and dry your hair. Personal grooming, for most people, is a series of well-entrenched habits. And in most cases it is over done. Would you be willing to change your routine if doing so made your skin look more attractive and created a better-looking you?

Most adults whom are over thirty commit one big mistake when it comes to washing: The do too much of it. They shower in the morning, another after the gym, maybe even one before bedtime. If you spend twelve minutes in the shower, that's too long. Cut your time in the shower to five minutes for your skin's sake.

Too much washing results not just in cleanliness but in removing too much oil from your skin, and itchy and irritated skin, particularly in the winter months.

If you are using a shower without a water filter and with the steam build up, you are subjecting yourself and your skin to excess chlorine.

Below are bathing tips that you can benefit from:

1. Avoid using a washcloth on delicate areas, especially the mucous membranes. Do use a soft sponge to massage your skin. Use a glycerine soap and sponge and move in one direction toward your heart.

2. Use medium-warm water in the shower, the cooler the better, but not too cold.

3. If you have normal to dry skin, use Dove Unscented or Basis for Sensitive Skin on your body and either a soap free cleanser or nothing at all on mucous membranes. Do use many of the commercial bar soap, since they are harsh on the skin.

4. If you tend to have oily skin, then use good gylcerine soap. I use this type of soap and it removes just enough oil without drying my skin.

5. Skip a shower as often as you can. This may not seem like appealing advice but the more time you have in between showers the better. Skip a shower for a whole day once or twice a week, especially in the winter. Allow your skin to produce and maintain its natural oils. Or if this does not appeal to you, make your shower extra short on some days.

6. Make sure you use shampoos that contain mostly natural ingredients. A lot of commercial products contain synthetic chemicals, petrochemicals, and various dyes and artificial coloring. All of these un-natural chemicals are extremely bad for you health. Learn which chemicals to avoid.

So that you can improve the health of your skin, takes some time to look over your shower habits, Decrease the time in your shower, use a water filter to remove toxins from the water, massage your skin, and use only natural products for your skin and hair.